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"Gramps! Grampsgrampsgramps GRAMPSSSSSSS!" I yelled, jumping through his office window. I hit someone and we both tumbled to the ground. Yeah, it was Ibiki.

"Who the hell- oh, it's you" he frowned at me as I died of laughter.

"Oh my god your face was just too perfect!" I laughed. I sobered and jumped up.

"What brings you here Kota?" Gramps asked with an amused chuckle. I grinned.

"I has question for chu!" I yelled.


"So originally, there is only supposed to be three people on a squad for the chunnin exam right?" I asked.

"I'm glad you brought that up, I was about to send someone to get you for this very conversation." He said. "Hai. But we've made arrangements for you to join a team who's recently lost another one of their members. They might be a little reluctant to accept you, but I'm sure-"

"You mean I can't go it alone?" I asked, pouting. He looked shocked.

"Kota, the chunnin exams are very dangerous. Gennin have lost their lives" he lectured.

"Alright, alright, I get the point" I sighed, putting my hands up in a surrendering gesture. "So when do I get to meet my new team?

"Tomorrow, at the chunnin exams" he replied simply.

"So I get a new team on the day of the event, they'll most likely hate me for taking the place of their teammate and well have no time to get to know each other or establish any team work" I clarified. "Do I at least get their names?"

"Yes" gramps chuckled softly. "Reggie Nomite and Jok Kyotu."

"Kay, so I guess were done here. Hey gramps, do you by chance know where a book store or library is?"

"Did you finish your book?"

"Last week"

"I see. Well yes, there's one three buildings to the right of Ichiraku's."

"Awesome! Thanks gramps!" I yelled, giving him a hug before leaving the way I came, out the window. I landed in a tree branch and shimmied my way down before taking off to the book store or library. Gramps never did clarify.......

Oh well!

I ran the whole way there. When I made it, I nearly knocked the door off its hinges before stopping and staring in shock at all the books. It was amazing!

"How can I help you young lady?" A friendly looking old man asked from the counter.

"Well, for starters I'd like to know whether this is a book store or library" I said, smiling kindly.

"Well this is a book store Miss. Anything else?"

"Nope! By the way, I'm Kota, nice to meet you" I smiled, holding out my hand. He shook it with a wrinkled smile of his own.

"Shoni Hakabe. The pleasure is all mine." He said with a small laugh.

"Well, imma look through your books now if that's alright"

"Oh by all means. It's rare to find a youngster that's willing to pick up a good book nowadays" he laughed. I smiled and walked away, skimming the countless shelves for something that might pique my interest. I was going around the first shelve when I spotted a familiar painted face.

"Kankuro?" I asked, a bit shocked. He jumped in surprise and looked at me.

"Y-You?! What're you doing here?!" He asked nervously.

"Looking for a book, same as you" I said easily as I returned to my search.

"I-I'm not looking for a book, only nerds read!"

"Then I'm the nerdiest girl out there" I laughed lightly. I winked at him. "Don't worry, I won't ruin your tough guy rep by blabbing that you are willing to pick up a good old book." I promised. I sighed and returned to letting my eyes scan the spines of the books. "Honestly, I have no interest in a thick skilled muscle brain. Then again I barely have any interest in men"

"Why?" Kankuro asked curiously. "Are you...... You know...... Gay?....."

At his question I burst out into a fit of laughter before I could stop myself. I clamped a hand securely over my mouth until I calmed down enough to answer.

"No I'm not gay" I smirked at him. "I just meant because, well, no guy has ever really been interested in me before, so I just stopped looking for a boyfriend. I figured, hey I have my whole life to worry about finding a boyfriend, why try now?" I shrugged indifferently. "So now it's just me and my books!" I grinned, hugging one that had caught my eye. It's title: BOMBS, THEIR HISTORY AND A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO MAKING THEM.

"That's kind of..... Sad....." Kankuro chuckled awkwardly. I pouted.

"It is not! It's unique!"

"Suuuuuuure it is" he rolled his eyes before scanning the shelf as I continued looking for more books. "So..... Hypothetically speaking...... What would a guy have to do to show you that they like you? Are you the type of girl who prefers a candlelit dinner and Rose peddles?" He smirked at the last part. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks for only a moment.

"No" I sighed. "The last thing I'd want them to do is go out of their way for me. But to show me that they like me....." I paused to think. "Well I suppose them just telling me would be enough. Like, not being scared and thinking 'what if she shoots me down?'. It's not like I'm going to bite, and I'm not a prissy little girl that would turn down someone who had the courage to tell me face to face. It's just like grow a pair, ya know?" I asked, glancing sideways at him. He was staring at me intently, as if debating with himself.

"Yeah...." He mumbled before shaking his head and grinning. "So no roses?" He teased. I laughed softly.

"Maybe one black one, I always thought black roses were the coolest, but I've beer seen them up close." I sighed wistfully before smiling at him. "Well I'm going to head home Kankuro, it was nice talking to you. See ya at the exams" I carried the stack of bomb related books in one arm and waved at him with the other as I headed to the front desk. "I'd like to get these please" I smiled at Shoni.

"Of course" he said, adding up the cost. "That'll be 600 yen Miss Kota."

"Here you go!" I said happily, handing him the cash. He put my books in a bag and handed them to me.

"Thank you for your business. Have a nice day and please come again soon" he said cheerfully.

"You bet! See ya!"

I teleported home and into my room. No sooner had I set the bag of books on my bag had a knock sounded on my door.

"Kota? Are you in there?" Kakashi asked from the hall.

"Yeah Kashi. Come in"

He opened the door and looked at me with a closed eye smile.

"Where have you been all day?"

"Oh, I went to talk to gramps, then I stopped by the book store by Ichiraku's."

"I see. Are you hungry?"

"Naw I'm good. I think I'll just head to bed."

"Right" he chuckled. "Chunnin exams starts tomorrow. Well good night."


He left and I got into my pajamas before climbing into bed. But I soon found sleep impossible, so I cracked open one of my new books for a midnight reading session.

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