The Fight

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I zoned out through most of the last portion of the exams, going through everything in my head to make sure my plan went perfectly no matter what happened.

"Kota!" Someone yelled, snapping me from my trance. I looked up in confusion at the very annoyed Ibiki.

"What?" I asked stupidly. He grumbled something incoherent before grabbing my collar and chucking me into the ring. I landed face first and groaned as I pushed myself up.

"Dammit baldy!" I yelled at the direction I was thrown from. "What the hell was that for?!"

"Ahem..." Came an awkward cough from beside me. I looked up at the proctor, still agitated.

"Shush!" I hushed, putting a finger to my lips. "Planning torture."

He sweatdropped at me as the Kid next to him, who had navy blue hair, golden eyes, and slightly tanned skin, glared at me impatiently.

Someone picked me up by my collar and seat me on my feet.

"It's time to fight, don't let that training go to waist, brat." Ibiki grumbled, thumping my head. I growled and kicked him hard in the shin. "What the hell was that for?!" He yelled, a tick mark appearing on his forhead as he sent me a glare that had the proctor dude and my opponent leaning away fearfully.

"For throwing me on my face you stove humper!" I yelled back him, and irk mark appearing on my own temple.

"Why you!" He looked ready to clobber me as he crouched slightly, and I did the same, a cheeky smile glued to my lips.


"WHAT?!" Ibiki and I both yelled, turning to glare at the proctor, who looked worried for his life.

"The match needs to start..." He said quickly. The two of us blinked in realization as we straightened.

"Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah." I laughed lightly, scratching my head.

"I'll kill you later runt." Ibiki grumbled, thumping my head as he walked away. I growled and threw a rock at the back of his head.

"Dammit Ibiki! I'm already a messed up Kid! Don't make it worse!" I shouted at him as the rock bounced off the back of his neck. He glared back at me and I smiled sweetly while pointing to the proctor. "He did it."

Ibiki rolled his eyes and continued his walk and I turned back to my opponent.

"Lets make this quick" I said dully, not really interested in this match. I just wanted to perfect my plan.

"Oh, I plan to." He smirked cockily. I quirked and uninterested eyebrow at him, but then glanced at the proctor.

"Can we hurry it up here? I've got some things to do, places to be, people to beat the crap out of. You know how it is."

He sweatdropped again before nodding once.

"Alright. START!" He yelled before jumping out of the danger zone. The guy made a tiger sign and disappeared as dark forms took shape, forming into disgustingly hideous creatures.

"Ah, I get it." I said, poking one of the figures with a random stick. The stick caught fire and I let it fall to the ground before stomping it out. "Hot tar, right?"

One of the figures lunched at me and I jumped into the air, forming handsigns.

"WATER STYLE: ICE CYCLONE!" I yelled, gathering chakra into my lungs and breathing out a huge cyclone of.... well..... ice.

It froze the creatures, but soon melted as the temperature increased. I scowled and twisted around to dodge tar spikes that were shot at me as I was still in the air. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I leapt back, throwing my mace bombs at him. I covered my eyes as it went off and heard it splatter.

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