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I sat on the railing as the other three sat on the steps and Kakashi stood across from us.

"Alright. Lets start introductions"

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked. I groaned in annoyance. She glared at me. Kakashi went on as if nothing had happened.

"I mean your likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams, just little things about yourself." He shrugged. Then he pointed to naruto. "You. In the jumpsuit"

"Right! My name is naruto Uzamaki! I like ramen and hanging out with Kota-chan! I dislike three minutes you have to wait for ramen to cool! My hobbies are comparing and trying new ramen and pranks. My dream... My dream is to become the most powerful hokage ever, so people will see me as a ninja and respect me!" I smiled at him.

"Okay. Next"

"Okay! My name is sakura Haruno! I like... I mean who I like... *squeal*. My hobbies are...*giggle*. My dream *sigh dreamily*."

"Right... Dislikes?"

"Kota and naruto" she answered. Naruto got sad and I rolled my eyes.

"Join the club"

"Anyways!" Kakashi said quickly. "Next"

"Hn... My name is sasuke Uchiha. I like very little and dislike alot. I don't have any hobbies and my dream is more of a goal... To restore my clan and kill a certain man..." The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Mhmm... Next" they all looked at me.

I blushed, not liking the attention.

"Well, my name is Kota. I like the colors black and red, jerky, drawing, music, and coffee. I dislike pink, frilly crap, jerks, bright colors, though orange is cool" I added when naruto looked down at his jumpsuit. He grinned. "My hobbies are drawing and listening to music. And I've never really thought about my dream..." I thought for a moment. "But I know my goal. I have to protect a certain person, no matter what the circumstances. I will protect them, even if it costs me my life" I finished determinately.

"So cool" Naruto muttered. I grinned at him.

"Good. You're all special in your own ways. Meet me at the training grounds tomorrow at five. The information is all in these packets. He tossed us some papers. I blanched.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I am not reading all of this" I told him. He chuckled at me.

"Sure, sure. Lets go" he said and teleported us to the gates, where Jiraiya was waiting for us, his back facing us. I made a 'sh'ing motion and Kakashi nodded. I took a couple steps forward and jumped on Jiraiya's back.

"What the?!" He yelled in surprise. I laughed happily.

"Hey Ji!" I laughed. He finally calmed down and chuckled at me.

"Hello Kota. Kami, you shocked me" he said. I just grinned.

"Well come on you two" Kakashi chuckled. Jiraiya started walking beside him, me still on his back.

"So how was your day Kota?" Ji asked.

"Good. I'm glad I'm on a team with naruto" I smiled. He chuckled at me.

"Good to know"

"How was your day Ji?"

"Uneventful" he shrugged. I nodded. We finally made it to gramps' office and I jumped off Jiraiya. I threw the door open.

"Gramps!" I yelled as I ran to him. I heard a wizzing sound and somehow did a backflip, landing in a crouch with my fangs bared as I caught something. It was a kunai. I looked to gramps, who looked shocked as Ibiki took a defensive stance in front of him.

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