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I wandered the village uselessly. Kakashi was training Sas-quack. Naruto was off training with Jiraiya, Sakura's off.... well.... being a Sakura, and I'm wondering who I can get to train me.

"What to do, what to do..." I murmured to myself. And then I spotted a familiar trench coat and it hit me like a train. "IIIIBIIIIIIKIIIIII!" I yelled, running and jumping at him. He side stepped and I awesomely landed on my back.

How? I couldn't tell you.

"What kind of ninja falls on the offensive?" He asked with a quirked eyebrow, looking down at me.

"I didn't fall, I attacked the ground." I said simply, crossing my arms as I laid flat on my back and smirked up at him.

"On your back?" He questioned further.

"What can I say? I'm skilled." I shrugged.

"Get off the ground." He sighed.

"Will you train me?" I asked. He blinked.


"I need someone to train me when I'm not.... Working on my hobby..." I said slowly, thinking he might just get all spazzy if I tell him I'm making bombs that spray an onion juice and chili powder mixture when they blow up. "Naruto is training with Jiraiya, Sas-quack is training with Kashi, and I'm stuck here. So can you train me?" I asked.

"No." He said with no hesitation as he began walking.

"Wait!" I yelled, grabbing his leg. He didn't stop walking and I, being the amazingly brilliant person I am, refused to release him. And as he dragged me down the street, I decided to use my incredible persuasive skills.

"DONT BE A CHEESE MUNCHER! COME ON BRO!" I yelled at him. People stopped to stare in shock.

Apparently a small Kid screaming childish insults at a torture and interrogator as she lets herself get dragged through Konaha isn't the most normal sight.


Weird normal people.

"JUST TRAIN ME! PLEASE! IM DYING OF BOREDOM!" I yelled. I then decided to break out my wicked acting skills. "Oh, the boredom! It's suffocating me!" I cried dramatically, clutching my throat with one hand as the other firmly held my throat.

"No. I'm a very busy man and I don't have time to waste training a weird brat like you." He stated, very bluntly might I add.

"You know, if I were normal that would have really hurt my feelings." I informed seriously.

"Your point?"

"It's times like this I start to think you don't like me."

"What would ever make you think that?" He asked, sarcasm practically leaking from his words.

"Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Please!" I begged. "I'm letting you drag me through the village here!"

"I never asked for that." He pointed out stoically.

"Come on you hobo hoarder!"

He paused, looking down at me with an incredulous and very weirded out expression.

"What? You know what, I really don't care. Now let me go, I'm not training you."

"I'm not letting go until you agree to train me!" I declared, holding his leg tighter. He sighed. "Oh! Hey guys!" I yelled, waving with one hand as we passed a very confused group of sand siblings. They slowly waved back as the watched us pass.

"Fine then." Ibiki grunted as he continued walking.

And so then started a very, VERY, VERY long day for Ibiki. Not so much for me.

Cause I found a pet snake. :3


"I still can't believe you clung to my leg all day." Ibiki groaned in exhaustion as he stopped outside the gate to what seemed to be his house.

"It wouldn't have been all day if you had just said you'd train me." I pointed out, still attached to his leg. "And I can hold on for sooooooo much longer." I added with an evil grin.

He sighed, clearly frustrated.

"Fine dammit!" He yelled. "I'll train your lousy ass!"

"Yay!" I cheered, letting go of his leg and jumping up, fist pumping.

"Just.... Meet me at training ground 68 at 6:00 am the day after tomorrow and we'll get started." He sighed, putting a hand to his head as he walked through the gates.

"Kay! Goodnight Ibiki!" I chirped happily.

"Just go home." He sighed before slamming his door shut after him.

And I skipped home, humming a tune and feeling very accomplished.

A/N: okay guys, I admit this is a filler chapter, but I wanted to get something up. I'll have something much better up soon. Kay? Kay.

And as a very wise Tobuscus once said, bless your face, and if you sneezed during this video-or in this case chapter- then bless you. (Just to say it, I do NOT own Tobuscus or anything related to him. I am just a fan.)

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