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We approached the gates to see gramps and Jiraiya waiting. They both rushed over to us, seeing me on Kakashi's back.

"Kota! What happened?!" Jiraiya yelled. I grinned like an idiot.

"Senbon are sharp" I said.

"The mission was a higher rank than expected. We ran into one of the seven deadly swords man. Kota fought against him and his partner, who mastered pressure points"

"Long story short I was turned into a pin cussion..... Again!" I smiled. They looked at me. (Special Thank you to KarlUngi for commenting about this!)

"Basically" Kakashi agreed. "Lets all just be happy we're all safe"

"Can we do the regular missions for a bit gramps?" I asked. "I've had all the excitement I can handle for now."

"You, young lady, and going to stay in a hospital until your wounds heal completely." He said sternly.

"But I don't like hospitals! They're boring and make me uneasy!"

"I don't care"





I yawned as I walked down the street. It's been quite a while since the Zabuza arc and I'm pretty sure the chunnin exams are coming up. Little by little, my memories have been coming back, but there is still so much I can't remember. I've still been keeping a close eye on everyone else, watching out for mr. Snake pedo and four eye mccreeper. I heard scuffling sounds as I rounded a corner and saw little Konahamaru being held by his collar. I sighed and stuck my hands in my pockets as I walked over.

"That hurt you little-" he started.

"Hey guys, Konahamaru, Ducky, pinky. Temari, Kankuro, nice seeing you." I said as I approached. I walked calmly over to Kankuro and stomped on his foot, catching Konahamaru as Kankuro released him.

"Ouch! You little- hey you're hot"

I felt my face heat up slightly.

"Back it up lover boy" I said, pushing him away with my hand on his chest. If I remember right he's my age. "I'm not looking for a boyfriend"

"Darn" he growled. "We'll dont get in the way, that little runt is gonna pay for running into me."

He went to push me away but I set Konahamaru down and grabbed Kankuro's hand, twisting it behind his back. He was sent to the ground and I held is hand between his shoulder blades.

"Yeah, and picking on kids is soooooooooo attractive" I said sarcastically.

"Who are you?! Get off my brother!" Temari yelled.

"It's nice meeting you Temari. I could say it was nice meeting you Kankuro, but that would be a lie. And it's nice meeting you Gaara" I grinned. I felt sand wrap around my throat.

"How do you know who I am?" Gaara asked from his place in the trees, floating like a boss.

"I know everyone of importance. But like I said, it's nice meeting you. I'd like if we could be friends. All of us"

I felt the sand tighten, making it hard to breathe. I just turned my head as best I could and smiled kindly at Gaara.

"I won't fall for your trap" he growled.

"It's no trap I assure you. You won't hurt me too bad"

The sand tightened even more.

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because you're not a monster Gaara, you're special. And believe it or not, you will be loved by many"

He was silent, his eyes searching mine for any trace of deceit. After a minute he spoke.

"Kankuro, Temari, come on, were leaving"

His sand retreated and I got off Kankuro.

"So hot" he mumbled, stretching his shoulder. I chose to ignore him.

"Wait, you, with the gourd, what's your name?" Ducky asked.

"Oh come on, I just said his name is Gaara! Open your ears!" I yelled. He glared at me in response and I stuck my tongue out at him childishly.

"My name is Gaara. And you?" Gaara asked only little interest.

"Sasuke Uchiha" Ducky said cockily.

"Or you could call him Ducky like me" I grinned.

"I'm also interested in your name" Gaara continued, turning to me. Kankuro looked extremely interested as well and I rolled my eyes a bit, smiling none the less.

"My name is Kota" I answered with a wink and piece sign. "Nice ta meet cha"

He looked at me a bit longer before turning and walking away without another word. Kankuro and Temari followed dutifully behind him, Kankuro sending me a flirty wink. I sighed at him and turned as Kashi popped up. He gave us the forms to enter the exams, along with an explanation which I didn't bother remembering.

"Hey, Kashi?" I asked once the others ran off. "Could you help me fill this out. I don't really understand forms" I asked sheepishly.

"Sure thing Ko" he said, giving me a closed eye smile.

We walked home, talking randomly until we got there. When we arrived, we sat down at the table and he helped me sign where I need to sign. When we finished, I yawned.

"It's late kiddo. You better head to bed" Kakashi chuckled, ruffling my hair. "The first part of the test is in two days, so tomorrow well go and pick up some new weapons"

"What's wrong with the ones I have?" I asked, taking out a random shuriken.

"They're dull and wore down. You've trained alot with them. If you take the exams with these, they won't be too affective"

"Alright" I relented with another yawn. "Night Kashi"

"Night Ko"

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