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I woke and dressed in black shorts and a red t-shirt, ready for a long day of training. I grabbed a peach from the kitchen and said bye to the dogs before leaving, locking the door behind me. It's my first day of training with Ibiki. Yesterday I spent all day perfecting my EyeTorture bombs. And I'm ready to test them on Ibiki today! >:)

"Good morning honorable granddaughter." A young man said with a bow as I passed. I sighed, but I've long given up on getting them to stop calling me that.

"Good morning." I replied before taking a bite of my peach. "And please don't bow to me."

It took a while and I needed to ask for directions a couple times, but I finally made it to training ground 68. It was a large fenced off area with huge boulders blocking my view of the inside. I opened the gate, climbed the boulder in my way, and saw Ibiki standing ever so stoically in the center of a large clearing, a couple trees popping up randomly and a thin stream cutting through the middle.

"Hey Ibiki!" I called, waving as I slid down the boulder side. He looked at me and nodded in acknowledgement.

"I hope you're ready." He said with a cruel smirk. "Today will be a strictly sparring day to see what exactly you're made of. You can use ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, and any other techniques you have in stock."

"Great." I grinned, excited to butt heads with the 'oh-so terrifying' torturer Ibiki Morino. "Just say when."

Things became so silent you could have heard a pin drop, so naturally I had to pull a random pin from my pocket and drop it on the ground. It made I nice little 'ting' sound as it hit a rock.

"What exactly was the point of that?" Ibiki asked with a deadpanned look as I picked up the pin.

"Does everything have to have a point?" I asked, answering his question with another question. He sighed heavily.

"This is going to be a long day." He mumbled to himself, though I heard. Then he got into a ready stance. "BEGIN!"

I made the tiger sign and teleported into a tree. Ever so silently, I took two onion juice and chili powder bombs from my pocket, holding them with one between my pointer and middle finger, and the other between my middle and ring finger. Of course, me being as ninja as I am, I caused a rustle to sound from the leaves and Ibiki immediately threw three very sharp looking kunai at my hiding spot. I lept from the branch just before they could pierce my head, chest, and stomach, flying into the air.

"There you are." Ibiki smirked, throwing some shuriken at me. "Try dodging this!"

Thinking quickly, I took a kunai from one of my weapon pouches with my free hand and deflected most of the shuriken, though unable to keep on from scratching my cheek at a decent depth.

Then I wasted no time in throwing the bombs at him. He jumped away and the bombs hit where his feet had recently been. A loud 'POP!' sounded and the red liquid flew in all directions. I held an arm in front of my eyes to shield them from the onion juice and chili powder mixture, but Ibiki wasn't so lucky.

"What the hell?!" He yelled in surprise and pain. Once safe I moved my arm to see him clawing at his eyes and I was glad my bombs worked, but I felt a little guilty too. I sighed and grabbed his collar, pulling him to the small stream and shoving his head into the water before releasing him and waiting for him to clean his eyes out. "What the hell was that?" He growled as he relentlessly flushed his eyes.

"Uh... My version of pepper spray?" I said with a sheepish grin.

"Ugh..." He was silent for a while.

"Uh, Ibiki? You okay?" I asked slowly, reaching to touch his shoulder.

"Don't let you guard down!" He yelled, kicking me in the stomach and making me fly back into a boulder. I groaned in pain as I slowly slid to the ground, landing in a crumpled heap. "Don't tell me that's all you got!" He yelled, running at me and aiming a downwards kick at my head. I rolled out the way just in time and slowly pushed myself up.

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