Chapter Four

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The rest of Thea's summer holidays seemed to have gone quicker than a Firebolt broom. After the events of the Quidditch World Cup, Anne had quickly decided that she needed to know where her children were at all time, after being left in the dark about the safety of her children and husband she had been really scared. It was difficult for Thea and Cedric to go to any friends houses because Anne was so worried about their safety.

Despite not being able to leave the house, Thea and Cedric took the opportunity to be able to practice their Quidditch skills in preparation for the new season. Most of their friends were on the Quidditch team and the Hufflepuff Quidditch team which meant they all worked well together. Thea flew high over the homemade Quidditch pitch and began to daydream about all her and Cedric's friends.

First, there was Sadie (Sarah) Carey. Although Sarah was the name that was on her birth certificate. The doctor had heard Sadie's mother say "Sarah Celeste" instead of saying "Sadie Celeste". Regardless of whether the story was true or not, Thea would forever find it hilarious. Sadie was nice and caring but could be pessimistic and grumpy particularly when she managed to get no sleep after a big study session or something. She towered over Thea but her blonde hair was always bouncing around her shoulders. Although Thea's favourite thing about Sadie would be her severe phobia of baked beans as she just can't stand them and stares at them distastefully at the breakfast table every morning. She played Chaser on the Quidditch team alongside Thea and Heidi.

Next, there was Marquis Elis, he was the French flirt of the group. Marquis' entire family lived in France but his family holidayed in London for the last few weeks of the summer holidays for Marquis to get his school supplies and to catch the train to attend Hogwarts. He had girls throwing themselves at his feet all the time. He didn't help his image by happily flirting back with all of them. But there was plenty those girls didn't know about him, things that only his closest friends knew like his love of murder mysteries and his allergy to artificial food colouring. He was an amazing keeper as well, he never let the Quaffle in. Marquis and Sadie were both in most of Cedric's classes and were his closest friends and confidantes besides Thea but Alexander and Max were her closest friends. 

Alexander Browne was the first person she had met on the train in her first year. He was a muggle-born and was extremely confused about this whole world that existed right under his nose for eleven years. She and Alexander had spent almost the whole train ride talking about the Wizarding World. He was so fascinated by it and in turn, told Thea all about muggle history and technology.  Thea had known him for nearly five years and she had learned all about muggle history and Alexander's phobia of bananas. Alexander is extremely untidy, she often felt bad for the other boys who had to share a dormitory with him. Thea swore often that his stuff even ended up into the common room. Thea was never surprised to find one of his textbooks, quill or even a smelly old sock in the common room. You'd think that with a mother who works at a hotel and manages the laundry he would be a lot tidier, but apparently not.

It was hard to work out where to start with Max. Thea's best friend and the one person who knows all her secrets, besides Cedric of course. She hates her 'real' name Maxine and prefers the nickname, Max. The scowl on her face during the sorting when Professor McGonagall said "Lindsay, Maxine" was legendary. But the scowl was immediately replaced with a smile when she was sorted into Hufflepuff alongside both Thea and Alexander. Thea had also met her on the train and the two of them instantly hit it off. She's also a muggle-born but sort of already knew about the Wizarding World through the stories her grandmother used to tell her but she always thought they were fake. Imagine her surprise when she realised these stories were actually true that entire time. She's short but that doesn't mean she misses out on any fire. She's very fiery, headstrong and stubborn. Once anyone got to know her you quickly realise that she is also incredibly intelligent, kind, funny and shines in every class she takes. Her love of reading, writing and a muggle form of entertainment called the theatre, only add to her long list of interesting traits. She plays one half of the beater team, a position that certainly matches her personality. 

The last position on the Quidditch team was filled by Heidi Macavoy. She wasn't in Thea's immediate friend group but they were still good friends. She's a great chaser on the team and works well with Sadie and Thea on top of the rest of the team. She shares a dormitory with the rest of the girls but her and Max's personalities often clash. They are both headstrong females resulting in plenty of pillow fights but Thea didn't mind them too much.

But Thea could never work out Daisy the other girl who shares our dormitory. She was very quiet and shy. At first, it had appeared to be homesickness but quickly became something more.   She's rarely in the dormitory besides when she comes back to sleep. She has friends in Slytherin though so Thea always just assumed that was where she spent all her time. 

"Thea, heads!" Cedric shouted. 

After quickly being snapped out of her daydream, Thea reached up and clasped her hands around the Diggory siblings' makeshift snitch. They had been trying to play a Quidditch game with two players instead of seven and it wasn't working, despite them trying out all the new manoeuvres Cedric had planned for the new season. He was acting all serious this year about the new season. Thea thought that it was all because he only had two years left of school and Quidditch until he graduated but he easily forgot that it was the same for Thea. It was hard to believe that after the upcoming year, she would only have one left, before graduating and expected to get a proper job instead of just a summer job in the real world. 

Two more years of catching the train to Hogwarts. Well, after tomorrow only one.  Tomorrow was September first and Thea was finally going back to Hogwarts for her sixth year. She was very excited to see all her friends again although in particular Max. Max and her family had gone on a trip down to Australia over the summer holidays and Thea was sure that she would bring back plenty of stories and pictures to make the train trip go a lot quicker. 

"Thea, get your head in the game," Cedric shouted for the second time. 

Thea blinked rapidly, slowly bringing herself back to concentrating on the game.  She was completely ready for a new school year and a new Quidditch season. Ready for the usual dramas and homework. Overall, she was ready to go back to her second home. 

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