What are you?

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"Don't allow the The society to oppress and define you"


Dedicated to abc3542

Third persons POV

Amal stares at the boy before her in wonder not that she was gazing like she had a crush on him but, he was just different after about two or more weeks of just hanging out with him during class and lunch she has began to wonder why?.

Why did he care about her that much?, It is scaring her to be honest, At the same time, she felt like if she should hide anything from him he would just see right through her.

So she just decides to just be honest today as they met up outside school for the first time since they apologised to one another, for the first time ever since they became somewhat friends who just talked, well Zach did most of the talking while she just prefers to listen because his words, they had an effect on her maybe she just needed someone who is not family, Maybe she just needed that one friend that would drag her down when she begins to float. It made Zach happy that they were climbing across another wall of hers but everything was in baby steps and that's okay with him too.

"So" Zach says making Amal raise a brow at him did he have something to say?.

"So" Amal says trailing of..

"You cut your hair?" Zach asks noticing her hair which once upon a time was almost reaching her butt now at the neck Length and it still looked good on her as it framed her face making her beauty more obvious.

"Um yeah,it was getting to long since I don't throw it into buns like I usually did with my head scarf it felt heavy for me" Amal explains and Zach nods in understanding his sister chops of her hair too well he helps her even when she doesn't want too. But that's a story for another day.

"It looks nice" he says making her cheeks burn

"Thanks" she mumbles

"So you have anything you want to ask me?" he asks

"Yeah,since when do you know me?"Amal asks

"Elementary school or in other words kindergarten" Zach says making her frown

"What really?" Amal asks with wide eyes

"Yeah, I remember borrowing all of your candy and you would get so mad at me" he says with a laugh making Amal's eyes to widen in realization

"Borrowing more like stealing!, so that was you huh? I see the mischief Still hasn't stopped" Amal states with a serious voice before they bursted into laughter at the memory.

"so what do you want to study in the future?" Amal asks curiously

"Still not sure yet but wherever the wind blows I guess" He says making her raise a brow, she hasn't met anyone in this century that does not have their life already planned out.

"Oh" she says softly

"What do you want to become if you don't get your dream job?" Zach asks her curiously

"A little bit of everything if that is possible to be honest" Amal stated making Zach grin

"So you can prove everyone that you can make it in life right? even though you are a Muslim girl " Zach asks making her to frown bam! he got her... AGAIN.

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