Get out of my business

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"You never know how long you are got to go so always try to push past your limits because time is running out"

Third person's POV

While Amal was trying to make it through school on her own, Zach was trying to answers to his newly found questions so they didn't see eye to eye , well technically, he skipped school because well because of his episodes but then after that he barely even went to school anymore because he didn't feel ready to be around so many people, and lucky for him the school was aware of his issues, so he got to write his own exams after school was out and after his paper he is out too and on his way home to continue to search for answers of new questions he had come up with for no reason, he hopes that Amal would understand if not now but someday...aka the day he actually goes back to keeping in touch with her like they usually did since they became friends.

"You got yet another another package" Camila states as she walks into her brothers room uninvited as usual.

"Tell daddy to keep his gifts to himself also would you lock my door on your way out? Thanks"Zach says to her

"It says from S-syria?" she says questionably he quickly grabs the package from her hand getting the knife he got ready to open the package that was when he saw it.

"Um,you can leave now" he says to his sister who was staring at him like a hawk somewhere along the way she has settled right next to him curiously just staring at the package

"Oh cmon,i"m your big sister!,I should be aware of what you are doing in your life" she says with dominance that does not scare her brother even in one bit.

"Um i'm actually 18 now so you really don't have to pull out that card"Zach States sending his sister a suspicious look

"What if it's kabooms that are inside there?" Camila asks making Zach brows to furrow in confusion

"Are you for real Kabooms, is it because it says Syria?" Zach laughs not knowing what to do with his sister being judgmental whenever she cares anymore.

"Not really but I know that we have no business with anything like that and some people hate the type of us so I have to be scared" Camila rants making him roll his eyes

"Yes sister I know that we are atheists not everyone likes smart asses like us but i'm sure that we are free to order and buy things from anywhere from around the world" Zach rants making his sister bite her lips guiltily her brother was mad,she could sense it.

"Don't get me wrong you are free to join whatever religion you want to I mean I just-

"Camila breath" Zach says making his sister take in a deep breath in relief

"And" she asks her brother wanting him to say something anything to talk to her before she breaks down

"And get out of my business" he says making her roll her eyes she takes back her comments about wanting to hear something or anything he is rude and he doesn't deserve her.

"You are rude" she states

"I love you" Zach says in reply making her scowl

"Not fooling me twice" she says making Zach frown

"Twice when was the first time?" he asks curiously

"When you got me to get you that trampoline even though you were sixteen you don't even use that thing anymore" she rants making Zach smile at the memory

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