How sure are you?

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"We play,we cry  we laugh I love it when we fight we don't want to be like them"

Third persons POV

"So How was your night?" Amal asks the boy who was seated on the seat next to her, he looked up and grinned.

"Eventful, what about yours?" he asks her curiously

"Same oh and I forgot to tell you, i'm not allowed to talk to you again" Amal States making Zach's eyes to widen

"What! What did I do?" Zach asks in confusion maybe fear too maybe he doesn't want Amal's family to hate him because he actually liked them all.

"I went back home late and i received the talk" Amal whispers making Zach's eyes to widen but then he bursted out laughing making her frown in confusion.

"Don't tell me it is the same talk Sam's mother gave to me and Sam yesterday?" Zach whispers like it is some kind of secret making Amal's brows to furrow in confusion.

"What was the talk all about?" She asks curiously

"Trust me, you don't want to to know" Zach says with a shiver in disgust making Amal to shiver in disgust so maybe she has seen parents on TV giving their children that talk before *cringe*.

"Ew!, i really don't not that kind of talk but the talk" Amal says steely making Zach to raise a brow.

"Do you think that just because you repeat the same word countless of times,it would make any sense to me" Zach asks with a raised brow while Amal smiles that smile doesn't sit well with Zach, that is why he didn't see Amal book reaching towards his head until it hit him on the head *Smack*

"Ouch sir,this is domestic violence" Zach yells dramatically making everyone in the classroom to look at him then at her,Amal blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment?.

"Domestic violence how?" The teacher asks finding the situation very amusing while their classmates stared at them curiously.

"She hit me because she knows I can't hit her back" Zach says while Amal thinks to herself that Zach drama class is really paying off.

"I'm glad you are such a gentleman but are you guys living in the a house dating/married?, is this your house?" the teacher asks the both of them who stare at him in disbelief

"What no!" the two of them say in unison not even wanting to look at one another

"Then it was not domestic abuse now pay attention to the lesson or it's detention with your lover" the teacher says making the two eyes to get even wider if that was possible.

"But he is not my bo-" Amal starts to rant but she got cut off

"Pay attention"the teacher states sternly making Zach and other of their classmates to chuckle and giggle while Amal sunked deeper into her seat as she listened to the lecture ignoring Zach as a whole, hoping and praying for the class to end as soon as possible.

"So how was class?" Sam asks them as they both take a seat on their lunch table

"Fun" Zach states

"Embarrassing" Amal says sending Zach a look while he replied with a grin

"Which one do I ask first?"  Sam asks like a caring father

"We had the same class" Zach says with a smile while Amal rolls her eyes

"Oh then Amal how was it embarrassing?" Sam asks curiously knowing that if he would have had asked Zach he would have not told him anything

"Because of this douche bag here" Amal states making Sam to bust into laughter

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