Home Sweet Home

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Megan's POV ///

He stood before me with pleading eyes. Marcus and Lara had backed off a little to let us talk but I really didn't have time for him at the moment. Literally. The flight was about to take off.

Megan : what are you doing here Martinus.

Martinus : please don't go.

Megan : mum is ill, I need to see her.

The tannoy went off signalling that it was the last call for the flight to Scotland.

I turned to go but he took my hand.

Martinus : then take me with you. I'll be by your side through it all.

Megan : really?!? You said that before the show but then you went and kissed the one girl I hate the most!!! So you're really wanting me to let you come with me!? After what you just did!?!?!?!

Martinus : I didn't mean for her to kiss me, I never wanted it to happen!!!

Megan : you didn't pull away!?!!?

Martinus : I was confused.

Megan: I've lost all trust in you.

Martinus : it wasn't me, it was her!

Megan : you know what, I'm not having this conversation with you right now. I need to go, I'm sorry.

Martinus : Megan, please!

He grabbed my hand once again but I pulled away.

Megan : goodbye.

I turned away and let the girl check my passport before walking ahead to the plane. I didn't once look back. I don't think I could of. Not after what I had just seen him do. I don't look at him the same now. All I see is Charlene and it's horrible.

Martinus POV ///

I stood there hoping she would turn back round but she never did. She then turned a corner and that was it. She was gone. I still had my boarding pass in my hand to which I had bought just for her. I was about to go after her but the barriers were closing.

I ran up to them, eager to go.

Stewardess : wow easy there!

Martinus : please i need to get on this flight!

Stewardess : I'm sorry, after what I just over heard about what you did I don't think I want you on this flight.

Martinus : really!?!?!

Stewardess : yeah, I mean cheating on her; that's shallow man!

Martinus : It wasn't my fault!

Stewardess : and anyway, you're too late.

Martinus : please miss, I'll do anything.

Stewardess : I don't know if you heard me the first time, you're too late, I'm sorry. You'll have to get the next one.

Martinus : when's that?

Stewardess : 2 hours.

Martinus : ugh really?!?!

Stewardess : yeah, that's karma right there.

I backed away, defeated. I walked over to Marcus and Lara who had been trying to listen into the full conversation but I don't think heard a single bit over the ramble of the airport.

Marcus : bro, I'm so sorry.

Martinus : she hates me. Everyone hates me. Even the lady at the counter hates me!

Lara : I mean, I don't hate you...

I raised my eyebrows.

Lara : ok yeah I kinda hate you.

Martinus : see!

Lara : but only cause of what you just did to Megan.

Martinus : but I didn't mean to!!

Lara : so you keep saying.

Martinus : well it's true! She just came onto me out of nowhere!

Marcus : look, you could always get the next flight and meet her there in Scotland.

Martinus : yeah ok.

My phone suddenly buzzed. I looked down to see that I had a text from Charlene. I didn't really want to talk to her right now but I read the message anyway and it got me intrigued.

"Charlene : where are you? I need to talk to you asap!"

Marcus : who's that?

I showed them both the text and watched as they shook their heads in disbelief.

Lara : what has she got to say now!

Marcus : she just can't get enough can she!!

Martinus : no, this is different. It seems important.

Marcus : really?!? It could be a trap!

Martinus : I don't think so. When we were on stage, after she kissed me I looked into her eyes and I felt a sense of sadness come from her. She looked genuinely sorry.

Lara : I'm not buying it.

Martinus : well I need to ask her what she was thinking anyway and Ive got 2 hours to spare so why the heck not.

Marcus sighed before pulling out his phone.

Marcus : fine, I'll call the taxi.

Martinus : thanks.

I was so intrigued by what she wanted to talk to me about that I texted her back straight away.

"Martinus : meet me in the changing room in half an hour"

I sent it and almost immediately after I got a text back.

"Charlene : ok"

I needed to know what she knows. It could help my case to get Megan back.


Megan's POV ///

I sat on the plane with millions of thoughts spiralling around my brain. My head began to hurt, a little from the thoughts but mostly because of all the crying. This night was meant to be the best night ever when Martinus and I were gonna confirm our relationship to the world. But yet again our plans have been demolished.

At this point, I was so worried about mum that what happened earlier with Martinus and Charlene seems like nothing. I've learnt that there's more important things in life than boys. Family always comes first and that's the reason I'm on this plane.


The plane had landed and I was currently texting my dad to come and pick me up. I was so excited to see him. I hadn't seen him in more than 3 weeks and that's a bloody long time! This was the longest I've ever been away from my parents and I'm not gonna lie I missed them so much.

I got off the plane and collected my luggage as fast as I possibly could before walking out into the meeting area. I searched and searched for the grey beard and lanky legs but still I couldn't see him. After a while I began to worry.

Then finally I caught sight of him and suddenly I burst into tears as I ran up and wrapped my arms around him. He was smiling to see me but I could tell he wasn't his usual joyful self. He had blotchy eyes like he had been crying and I could see it in his eyes that he was hurting inside.

Megan : how's mum?

Dad : excited to see you.

I smiled but nervously. I was so scared that I was gonna lose her. I knew that dad wasn't gonna tell the truth about her condition but I still knew she wasn't doing good. I just know. Things were different.

Dad : right come on.

I followed him out the airport and into the familiar car. It was bitter sweet. I was glad to be home but just wish it was for a better reason...

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now