Cheers love the Cavalry's here.

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"Cheers love the cavalry's here!" I ran out of the our base and past my teammates. My guns at ready, I pointed them forward. Genji ran to my side and looked at me. "Ready, love?" I asked. Genji shook his head and we ran forward. "We have to get that enemy base." I said as I looked around the pillar. I looked for the enemy but saw no one. A red laser pointed right at my chest and started to blink. Genji quickly notice and jumped in front of me and deflected the speeding bullet. "Ah thanks, love!"
"Pay closer attention, you were almost killed by Widow maker." He said in his low voice.
"By Widow maker?! Oh she's here? I hate her! Hey Genji, love, you ready?"
"Yes, let's go." We ran towards the base and saw two enemies. Widow maker and Reaper. I blinked up to Widow maker which made her panic. I shot her a few times and before she could shoot me, I tackled her to the ground.
"WHY? Why did you have to kill him!" I yelled into her face remembering what she did. I hit her with the hilt of my gun until she was bleeding. "AND WHAT YOU DID TO ME!" Out of nowhere a bullet shot right through me. I started to gush blood but I wasn't going to let that happen! I jumped up and Recalled. I was back at full health and there was no blood on me. I blinked up to Genji to help him take down Reaper.
"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Yelled Junkrat. I quickly grabbed a hold of Genji and blinked us out of the way of the deadly tire bomb. I saw both Junkrat and Roadhog, they looked ready to shoot Genji and I down. I saw my alt was ready and the enemy were all together. I let go of Genji and ran straight into the enemy team. I blinked right in front of them. They all stared at me like I was crazy going in front of them all like that. But I have something planned for them. They all got their guns ready and pointed them all at me. I reached for my pulse bomb and once I grabbed it I jumped into the air and threw it at them. I recalled out of there and saw everyone was defeated. Genji and I ran back into the base and we started to take the point. I turned to Genji with a satisfied smile on my face.

"Good job love!" I turned and saw the rest of the team barge in. Soldier 76, Mercy, Lucio, and D.VA. They all looked very mad at us. Soldier 76 walked up to me and slapped me across the face.

"You didn't listen to orders, we are a team not a duo!" I rubbed my check that now burned from the slap. I saw that he was going to slap my again so I closed my eyes ready to feel the pain again. But I never felt the pain.

"Huh?" There in front of me was Genji holding Soldier 76's wrist, stopping him from slapping me.
"We got the job done, you all were slow and didn't help at all! You have no right to hit Tracer like that!" Soldier 76 yanked his hand away and turned to the rest of the team.
"Load up the enemies, and make sure to chain them up and unarm them," said Soldier 76. Then once our team left, I looked up at Genji to see him staring down at me.

"He had no right to hit you, in fact he needs to treat you with more respect. We defeated the enemy together without those slow pokes. So don't worry about it I'm on your side." He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.
"Thanks for having my back, love." I said with a sniff trying not to cry from the slap.
"I will always have you back, but we need to report this back to Winston, I'm sure he will be on our side." Genji then turned around to see that the rest of the team left us with Roadhog.
"Did they really leave us to carrying that big guy, love?" I turned to look at Roadhog. "We will have to pull him together."
"True, but this won't be an easy task. I will grab one hand you grab the other, got it?
"Yeah!" I blinked to Roadhog's right hand and he ran over to the left hand. "Hey we did it!" We reached the ship and I knocked on the door.
"Took you two long enough!" The others grabbed the unconscious Roadhog, and then soldier 76 turned to yell at us some more. "Grab all the loot boxes and health packs would ya!" Genji and I then turned around getting all the loot still lying around. We walked side by side. Then I grabbed Genji's hand. He looked down at me with confusion. I blushed a tiny bit but then came up with an excuse, "Umm... don't worry love, I'll blink us everywhere so it's faster." He shook his head in agreement then I held onto his hand tighter. I blinked to a room with a loot box and a healing pack. We grabbed the loot, I grabbed his hand again, I blinked again and again, then once we had everything I blinked to the center of the room. There was a total of 10 loot boxes and 6 health packs.
"Looks like that's the last of them." Genji then picked up the loot boxes and started walking back towards the ship.

"Lena, you grab the health packs."
"You got it love!" I picked up all six health packs and ran up to Genji. But then he stopped. "Hey um Genji what's wrong, love?" I then looked at where he was looking. "THOSE TRAITORS! HOW COULD THEY DO SUCH A HORRIBLE THING TO US! I MEAN DID THEY REALLY JUST LEAVE US HERE?!" I dropped all the health packs and I fell to the ground. I then sniffed a few times trying to stop the tears, that were visibly forming in my eyes. Genji set the loot boxes down and kneeled down to where I was. A few tears fell down my face, but as they did Genji wiped them all away.

"It's going to be okay don't worry Lena." He spoke in such a kind and caring tone that only I ever heard from him, 'when he talks to me like that it always makes me wonder does he like me?' I jumped onto him wrapping my arms around him and gave him a tight hug. "Aw thanks love for caring about me so much." He then wrapped his arms around me and looked at me dead in my eyes.
"I will always care for you..." Genji then let go of me and stood up. But when he was looking at me in the eyes I could see very faintly past his mask visors. He had a hint of pink on his cheeks.
"Now then, there's no need to be blushing." I say as I have a small smirk on my face.
"No-no I-I was not!......" Quietly he spoke under his breath only for his ears but I was able to hear what he said. "Way to kill the moment, Lena." I smiled in content in hearing what he said, but then remembered the biggest task at hand, which is getting back to the Overwatch Hideout.

Hello so really important!

Up coming in the story...

I do not own any of these pictures, I also don't own the Hanzo and Genji fight, it was from the animation. I don't own the characters either BUT I do own the idea of the story.

Your truly ZeldaWarrior, 

I hope you enjoy the story so far, I have a lot more of it pre wrote, I'm still typing the story, and I will be done soon This is barely the beginning. Don't forget to comment down below, and tell me what you think of it so far. I will also take suggestions for otherstoryies but if I don't know the character I won't do it. I WILL do Fire Emblem, The Legend of Zelda, Overwatch, and maybe some other games. 

Tracer x Genji: Past and PresentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz