Time to save Overwatch!

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I then felt someone shake me, I barely opened my eyes and I saw Genji kneeling in front of me. "Wake up sleeping beauty." Genji said in a gentle voice. I shot my eyes open and wrapped my arms around him. I took off his mask and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back. Then we leaned are heads away. I put his mask back on his face.

"I-I love you Genji!" I held onto his hand, never wanting to let go of it.

"I love you too, Lena." He gripped onto my hand, as he wanted the same thing, never wanting to let go each others hands.

"Come on, love birds, we have to go, now! We got trouble!" Said a very alarmed McCree. Genji and I both stood up and ran out to see Sombra, Reaper, Widowmaker, Junkrat, and Roadhog. Against them it was Hanzo, McCree, Genji and I. 5 vs 4. 'We can do this!' We all got out our weapons ready to fight. Hanzo and Widowmaker started to shoot at each other. McCree started to shoot Reaper. And Genji attacked both Junkrat and Roadhog. I spotted Sombra and I started to shoot my pulse pistols at her, but she also shot her gun at me. I dodge most of them and she got hit with almost all of my shots. She then hacked me.

"Huh? Oh-no! Wait- I know this trick already Sombra you'll have to try harder then that." 'Just a few more shots!' I kicked her in the stomach, making her lose her ground. I then bashed her in the back of the head with my pulse pistol. When she fell to the ground I kicked her in the head to make sure she was knocked out. I went into her pocket and I pulled out an object with two buttons. A red and blue button. Under both buttons was a caption. Blue: Disable bomb. Red: Blow up bomb. I then hit the blue button Without any hesitation. All the bombs turned off and they went away. I then grabbed some rope and tied Sombra up. I ran to Roadhog and Junkrat and stuck my pulse bomb in between them. They were both thrown into the air knocked out by the impact I then tied them up with rope and attached them with Sombra.

"Thank you, Tracer." Genji quickly said.

"No problem, but now let's finish the job! Genji jump boost!"

"Okay!" I ran up to him, he had his hand ready then when my foot made contact with his hand, he boosted me up into the air. I shot my pulse pistols at Widowmaker finishing her off, then while falling I headshot Reaper. They both fell down unconscious. I was about to land but Genji caught me.

I then giggled and said "Thanks, love."

"No problem." Hanzo ran back with a tied up Widowmaker. He set her with the group of unconscious villains. I blinked up to the enemy and tied them all up.

"Well I guess that this mission is complete guys!" The rest of the Overwatch team came out. Everyone of Overwatch was there. They all cheered our names as we put the enemy into their cell chambers. Everyone was happy, except for the enemy team. Winston ran up to Genji and I, and he gave us one of his big gorilla hugs.

"Winston love, I-I can't breath!" I say as my face started to turn red.

"Oh, sorry Lena." He let go of Genji and I, letting us both catch our breath. He then turned to Hanzo and said "Hey Hanzo, did you want to join Overwatch, I mean you helped save us after all."

"It would be my honor to join Overwatch." Hanzo said, saluting to Winston.

"Great, we will get you a room, and set up your profile. Hanzo, thank you so much for helping us." Winston then went over to McCree. "Jesse McCree, did you want to rejoin Overwatch?"

"I would, thank ya, Winston." McCree said with a tip to his hat.

"Great!" He then looked at the four of us. "There will be a party tonight to celebrate your victory in saving Overwatch."

Tracer x Genji: Past and PresentWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu