Where am I or when am I? Part 3

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Tracer's pov...

"Hmm," I started to open my eyes as I heard chirping birds. I looked to my left and saw Genji. He was sleeping so peacefully. I took off his visor and mask, so I could really see his face. I looked at his sleeping face, he has a smile on. "He must be having a nice dream." I looked down at my hand and saw the sparkling ring. I smile at the thought of our wedding. I would be in a white dress, he would be in a black and white suit. All of our friends and family would be there. Everyone would be happy, including Hanzo. 'I don't remember ever seeing Hanzo smile before, how disappointing.' I stood up and blinked to my room. I grabbed my guns and arm armor. Time to do a quick patrol. I blinked around the camp quickly checking to see if there was anything fishy. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the bush move. "Huh?" I blinked a little closer to the bush but I saw nothing, and the bush stopped moving. "Maybe just the wind?" I started walking backwards to see if it would move. BOOM! I looked back to the bush and a bullet went straight into my Chrono Excellarater. "Widowmaker, how did you get out!?" I quickly jumped up and recalled. I pulled out my pulse pistols and started to shoot her. She jumped out of her hiding spot and used her grappling hook, and got up to the roof of the building. She started shooting at me but I used my blinks to dodge them. "Genji love, come quickly, Widowmaker escaped!" I called out to Genji hoping he would hear me. That gave Widowmaker her chance to attack. She threw poison mine, and I stepped right into it. I started to cough gasping for air. "Genji, please..." Cough, Cough. "I need help!" She was now in front of me she had her gun right at my Chrono Excellerater.

"Bonjour, Tracer." Her skin was less blue, why was it more pale? Her French accent made it a little hard to understand but I tried to listen.

"What do you want?!" I practically spit at her, I was in full disgust of her presence near me.

"Tracer join me, come fight for Talon, we need your skills." She spoke kindly but I know that her heart is ice cold.

"Never." I refused without regret, I would never betray Overwatch for Talon. Never in a million years.

"Please, Lena, do it for me."

"Why in the world would I do anything for you?! I HATE you!" The smoke finally went away but I still had to catch my breath. "YOU are heartless, I could never care for you when you don't care for anyone, except for yourself! You kill without care so you what? Feel alive!" I mocked her for a minute. "Ohh, I'm a spider so SCARY! Go on kill me! You have your chance right now! And a little FYI," I held up my left hand so she could see that I was engaged.

"Fine, Lena. Be that way. Talon ordered me to kill you, but they said if I could recruit you then you could live. I guess I must go with what they said, and kill you. She pulled the trigger, and shot my Chrono accelerator. I started to disappear, and she escaped. "Goodbye Tracer." When she turned to leave I saw a single tear fall down her face, she then left me alone and I started to cry from the pain, as my blood painted the ground, I disappeared.

I woke up in a dark room. I look around and see two people clashing swords. The woman seems to be struggling but the man was weird, he reminded me of a puppet. He then had his sword at her neck. It looks like she's in a wedding dress.

"M-Marth! Please!"

"Oi! Stop it! I blinked up to them even through the pain. The man continued to hurt her. "I said STOP!" I held my hands up with my pulse pistols in my hands and hit him on the head. It knocked him unconscious completely. "Hiya, are you okay miss." I held out my hand to her. She gladly accepts and I help her up.

"Thank you so much and no not really. You see that's my husband." I was shocked he was trying to kill her!

"What?! Then why?!" I was so shocked that I couldn't form a sentence. "Something is wrong with him.

"He's a great person, I believe that he's being controlled by this dragon god. But I think he should have his own consciousness when he wakes up. If you don't mind me asking what's your name miss?"

"Oh, my name is Lena Oxton, but please call me Tracer. What's your name?"

"I'm princess Zelda of Hyrule."

"Wow your a princess?!" I quickly bow down to her.

"Oh please you don't have to bow down to me. He is prince Marth of," she signaled the place we were currently in,was his kingdom. "Yeah a lot has happened." The ground started to shake we turned around when we felt the room get hot. "FIRE! AHH!" We say in unison. I grabbed onto both Zelda and Marth and blink them out of the area. I then start to cry out from the pain. "Tracer are you okay, and how did you do that?"

"I'm not okay, and it's my ability. You see my Chrono accelerator is damaged, and that's how I ended up being here."

"Oh Tracer, so your not from here are you?"

"That's correct, now do you mind telling me what the bloody heck that thing was?!"

"It's... Duma." Zelda and I turn around to see Marth feeling better. "We have to kill him, to restore all that has happened in Altea."

"Well then let's hop to it, come on!" We get out of our hiding spot.

"My sword is a dragon slayer. I'm the only one that can kill him."

"Then Zelda and I will distract him. Come on Zelda!" Zelda and I charge at the dragon. She gets out a bow and starts to shoot golden arrows from a golden bow. While I blink around and shoot around the dragon. I notice out of the corner of my eyes Marth is climbing up to do a jump slash. The dragon then roared. It was like a tornado pushing Zelda and I. Our backs bashed against the wall almost knocking us out.

"Dang that hurt!" I jumped up and blink over to Zelda. I help her up quickly.

"Thank you Tracer."

"Your welcome, Princess Zelda. Quickly now, we have to distract that beast." Marth then jumped down and sliced through the dragon. Cutting him in half. The dragon then turned to ashes, with a puff of smoke.

"Wow, are you two alright?" Marth walked up to me while sheathing his sword. I shook my head. "Tracer thank you." He held out his hand and I grabbed it. We both shook hands and we both smiled.

"Tracer, if it wasn't for you I would be dead. Thank you." Zelda then went up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and then Marth joined in on the hug.

"Isn't everything supposed to go back to normal?"

"It should. But doesn't that mean you'll be leaving us if everything goes back to normal?"

"Oh I think it does Marth. I'm sorry I have to leave so soon." I felt myself start to disappear. "Goodbye you two!"

"Goodbye Tracer! And thank you for everything!" They say in unison.

After Tracer left Marth changed Altea into Yilesse. Marth and Zelda were the king and queen of this new kingdom as they rebuilt it more people ale and settled there. They were a truly happy family. They had three kids the first a girl named Emmeryn, the second a boy named Chrom, and the third a girl named Lissa. They all lived happily ever after.

Doesn't everyone just love a happy ending? Well hopefully Tracer and Genji have a happy ending. I really hope everyone is enjoy the story so far. Don't forget to comment down below on what you think of the story or what you want to read for other stories. 

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