Is that you?

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In Altea,

Altea's Prince's pov

I swung my sword around and around, pretending to fight. "Oh little bird...where are you? You can't hide once found, come to me." my voice was psychotic again, but then my voice was back to normal. "Please? Your the only thing I can have that is relevant to h-her." I fell to the ground dropping my sword, losing my control. The small blue bird flew down and sat on my head. But I could feel nothing.

"Rise up my child... You are now my pet." I could hear the voice in the room, was he here. Somehow my body rose up, but it was not from my will, it was his demand. He made me face him. There he was... The evil god, Duma. The dragon had not a care in his soul but he was about to take whatever was left of my good past, I just know it. "She is almost here, take her power, the power in her soul."

"What's in it for me?! Let me answer that for you, NOTHING! I could never kill her."

"Not true because you will. Remember you have a lust for blood, you can't control it, and you know that." I grabbed my sword that was on the ground and threw it at him, but it went right through him.


"You think that you can kill me? Not possible, soon with your power and Zelda's I will rule this world and other worlds. You and her will be my soulless fighters. Just perfection."

"NO! I won't let you touch her!"

"I won't... but you will." He then disappeared, he was now gone I think?

"Here she comes... well soon." I looked around but he was now completely gone. I limped over to my throne and picked up my sword on the way to it.

"No she can't be why, why would she come here, she has her own problems."

"That's what you think..." I looked around again to see if he was here. "Your so dumb Marth, I'm in your head, I will never leave. Hahahaha!"

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I bashed my head into my throne but the only out come from that was knocking myself out. The little bird flew to me and sat on my shoulder, singing the same, melody that Zelda would. The only difference was that it was a bird singing it, it could never sing it better than my future wife.

"Oh Zelda, oh Zelda? Please stop hiding from your future husband it's not polite!"

"Stay away!" She continued to run but this time in a white dress, stained with red. She looks beautiful. I stopped, I just stood there thinking.

"That dress, you're actually wearing it, please tell me this is not a dream!"


"Please don't be a dream. But it was. Why? I don't know why, maybe it is bad luck?" I opened my eyes, and my eyes widened when I heard a horse coming towards my way. "NO way! It can't be her!? Could it?" 

Now at Altea's kingdom...

Zelda's pov...

"We made it!" I cheered to myself looking up at the sky seeing how we made it here within a day. "Link was horribly wrong." My horse then suddenly stopped. "Huh? Hmm..." I looked forward to see everything was silent. It was 7:00 pm there's no way it's this quiet, right? My horse started to walk slowly, just so we could be careful. I looked at the ground and saw blood stains. "Marth? Oh I hope he's okay." I rushed my horse to the castle, I must know if Marth is okay. "Stay here, I'll be back soon." My horse had a sad look on his like he had the final piece of an impossible puzzle, one that I could never figure out. I grabbed my bow and sword, just in case if there was an intruder. I ran up to the door and opened it. It made a huge CREEK noise. I ran up the large staircase, once I made it up I let out a puff of frustration. "MARTH! Are you here?!"

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