Unsettling future

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This will be the last chapter for a while. Like I said before I had everything prewrote but I never finished. So sorry in advanced for the late updates.

Tracers pov

Is it just me or was he trying to say something between the lines. Does he dislike me for some reason?

Lena, lets take a walk I need to talk to you. I looked at Zenyatta a little confused as to why he wants to talk to me. We walk a few yards away from Genji and I turn back to him and see that he was on the ground meditating.

So what did you want to talk about with me?

We must be further away from Genji first. We walk for a good ten minutes and then he stops. I turn to him and he looks at me.

So? Now?

Yes. I wanted to talk to you about an important matter at hand. I told Genji most of it but I skipped the main parts.

Whats wrong?

You and Genji are in grave danger. I told Genji that he was killed but I didnt tell him by who.

Who did it?!

Its not just one but its a team.


Yes, but why would they do such a thing?!

They have their reasons, those of which I cannot see. But I just want you to be careful.

How far.


How far into the future is this?

A few years.

Ill be ready then. I started to blink back to Genji and I ran with all my speed. I feel great! Thank you Zenyatta! I ran for a good five minutes and then I saw Genji.

There you are Lena, I was looking for you.

Ha, I was looking for you too. I leaned over into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him.

You look tired.

Yep. I let go of him and fell to the ground. We need to talk.


So, um.

I cant live forever.

Genji I know.

I just dont want it to come to when I die from age and your left all alone.

Genji please dont talk like that. My eyes started to water at those disgraceful thoughts.

I want you to move on when I die.

I could never!

Theres a lot of people out there, I know you will be able to.

But no one is like you.

Lena- why are you making this so difficult.

There will come the day that I die and when that day comes I dont want it to ruin you-.

But what if I die first?

I dont understand?

I could die in battle just like anyone. Im not invincible, I am just anchored to my age, and well being, but if I were to get killed from lets say a bullet. I could. It is only impossible for me to die by age. We kept thinking of what was in store for are future but we decided to rub it off because we have a tournament to win.

A few months went by and my team and I have been gaining the lead in the points. There is only one match left. The winners game. My team and D.Vas. We will win. Today is the day we finish this competition.

Hmm I opened my eyes for feeling ready for the ending fight. I reach for my Chrono accelerator and I strap it on. I blink out of bed and to the mirror in the right side of my room. I looked in the mirror and saw all of my scars that I hid from Genji. I looked at my arms to see them covered in bruises. I feel the bumps on my right arm and then on my left. Ouch, they hurt. I looked down at my leg and saw a scar still healing, it still had bandages over it. I pushed my hair back and I saw scars stacked over one another. Hanzo got me in the head one to many times. I pushed my hair back to where it was to hide my scars. I heard ruffles of the bed sheets. Genji is waking up! I covered my wounds and I turned around. Genji love, good morning! I blinked up to him and gave him a big hug. I pecked him on his lips, then he did the same for me.

You look like your ready, are you?

Im ready to win. How are you feeling?

Im worried about you. But I think we can win this.

Yeah. I blink back up and quickly blinked with my outfit in hand into the bathroom. I quickly changed into my usual outfit. After a few minutes I blinked back out ready for action. Come on love! Lets go. Genji stood up from the bed already with his armor on.

Lena, there is no need to rush. We still have an hour.

Oh darn were late.

Lena, I said we are an hour EARLY!

Haha, I know love but we will just have to grab a quick snack for breakfast this time. Genji shut the door behind us, and he started to chase after me.

Lena wait! He reached me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him.

Zip! I blink out of his grip.

Lena stop. This isnt funny."

Recall I mutter to myself. I went back into his hold.

I got you.

Hmm whatever, lets go, I want to be there early.

Okay, well go now, but, we will walk.

Fineeee. He let go of me and just held on to my hand, and I held on to his. A few minutes later we made it to the plane. Look! Theres a basket of muffins!

Your welcome.

Aww love thank you! I hugged him and he hugged me back

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoy.

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