Practice Time!

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Tracer's pov:

I woke up with a quick start, "Time for some training!" Genji was still asleep. "Aw! So cute." I pinched Genji's cheek lightly. Then he started to stir awake.

"I'm cute? Ha! Hardly."

"What do you mean?"

"Your the cute one here, Lena."

"Well then, that makes you the handsome one here."

"Okay, I'll take that one."

"Get into your Orange and Grey jumpsuit we have practice today."

"Oh yeah, that." He says sarcastically, while rolling his eyes. I blink over to our closet and grab both of our jumpsuits. I throw Genji's jumpsuit to him.

"Here catch!" He catches it easily and I run into our bathroom with my Chrono accelerator in hand. I put on the tight jumpsuit and I strapped on my Chrono accelerator. I blinked out and put on orange socks and my white sneakers. I looked around and saw that Genji had his armor on and then his jumpsuit over top of it. He looks just as ready as I am.

"So we are in training room A2." Genji says looking on the notification on his phone. I checked my phone and got the same message. I quickly put my phone away and grab my pulse pistol and arm armor. I put them on and I grab my purse. I put my phone in it and I grab out my keys. I unlocked my door and walked out into the hallway. Genji walked out into the hallway after a minute and I locked the door behind him. We walked down the halls hand in hand with a smile on our face. "You know Lena..."

"What is it?"

"We are an hour early."

"Well, like they always say 'The early bird gets the worm.'"

"Okay whatever you say Lena."

"Now A2 should be around here..." We turned down another hallway and I found it. "Here it is." I opened the door and saw the big training area. "Wow!"

"This is huge!"

"Yeah, no kidding." We ran in and we set up some bots for practice range. We waited about 30 minutes and our team walked into the room. "Hi everyone!"

"Hello, is everyone ready?" Genji asked as everyone walked closer to us. I check to make sure everyone was wearing the training gear.

"Good job everyone for wearing your practice outfits." They all shook their head. I turned to Genji and saw he had a clipboard in his hand.

"Okay, Tracer, Junkrat, Roadhog, and I, will start with practice 2vs2's. Widowmaker you will practice with sniping bots 100 feet away. And Mercy practice your healing and resurrect abilities on the bots. Okay everyone we will have lunch at 12:30, until then we will practice." Genji said and then put the clipboard away. Genji and I got into a fighting stance and Junkrat and Roadhog did the same. "3, 2, 1... GO!" I started shooting at Roadhog, with my pulse pistols. Roadhog threw his hook at me and I was about to blink away but I got stuck in Junkrat's bear trap. He then shot just once and I blacked out. Genji continued to fight he deflected the bombs of Junkrat and defeated him. Genji then sliced past Roadhog but he just healed himself. Genji then unleashed his alt and Roadhog did the same. In a minute Genji was down. I woke up and Junkrat woke up to. He walked over to me after congratulating Roadhog and he held out his hand. I hesitated in taking his hand.

"Come on Sheila, there's no need to be afraid." I grabbed onto his hand and he helped me up.

"I don't understand, you two are so powerful?"

Tracer x Genji: Past and PresentWhere stories live. Discover now