A Long Way Home

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"Okay enough of that talk, love, we have to get back to the hideout."
"I agree." Genji started to pick up health packs. "But we can't try and make it back with all this baggage. So I'll carry one health pack, and you carry one."
"Okay!" I quickly grabbed one and started walking ahead. I then whispered to him, "Genji, look up ahead that's a military station. And there might be some jets or planes."
"That's good thinking Lena. And since your a pilot we should be okay. And I can hack into the GPS system and we will find the hideout that way."
"Yeah, lets go love!" We both started running, we were both evenly fast but I could blink which would help. We both stopped once we saw a guard, but in a blink of an eye, Genji had already tied and knocked him out.
"Lets go." He grabbed my hand but we made occasional stops along the way to knock out guards. I let go of Genji's hand and then I quickly blinked around military camp to see in there were any other guards left.
"Coast is clear, love!" Genji looked around to see if there were any guards with keys, as I looked for a flyable jet.
"I found keys" said Genji.
"Look, love! Now this is a beautiful jet!" I say with amazement. Genji then helped me on to the jet and I reached my hand down to help him on to the jet. I hesitantly sat down in the seat in front of the wheel. 'Oh no not this again!' My head started to hurt and my hands started to shake. My mind then went black.

"Hello love, my name is Lena Oxton! I'm here for the pilot team of Overwatch. What? I'm not too young! Listen I know how to fly a jet and I will do my best for Overwatch!"
"Wow what a beautiful jet! It's the latest model you say? Don't worry, I won't fail you Winston!"
Inside the jet blinked red as the jet started to malfunction. "AHHH no-no what's happening!" I then disappeared from the present time without the jet. Everyone thought I was dead and I even thought that.
'Lena... Lena are you okay?' I heard the loud voice of Winston.
"Ahhh what's happening?!" I scream again from the pain.

'Calm down Miss Oxton, you have been gone for a few months, Your friend here from Overwatch found you. I heard his voice again.
"Ahhh!" I looked down at my body it was glowing a bright light blue Then I disappeared again... and again, and again.

"Hi love, I used to be Lena Oxton former pilot for Overwatch. Now... I'm no one." I walked up to the side of my room to touch the window. But my hand just went through it. "Oh now I'm not just no one I'm like a glitch in a system, I'm a ghost!" I started to cry, it was normal for me. I cried every day now. I heard a knock on the door and I yelled "Come in!" My door is now always unlocked because I can't open it.
'Hi... um how are you doing?' My best friend Genji walked into my room and sat next to me on my windowsill. I quickly wiped away my tears and turned to look at him.

"Hi love, not doing so good, thanks for coming to see me, I really appreciate it." I would always loved seeing Genji, he always brightened my day. Even when I'm sad, he's always here. He's came to visit me a few times per day. 'I love him so much, but would he ever return my feelings?'
"Well your going to be really happy because I got great news!"
"What is it, love?!"
"Winston thinks that he can help you he has created this device that will help you become stabilized with these new abilities. But most of all if he is correct with his predictions he wants you to become a true member of Overwatch." Tears of joy poured down my face from the positive possibilities.

"Oh I hope everything works out like that, love." I went to give Genji a big hug but... I went right through him.
"You can give me a hug when your cured."
"You got it love!"

"Wow Genji these abilities, there so cool! Don't worry in combat I'll have your back! Like how you always had my back. So my hero name can't be Lena, so... what should it be? Time traveler? Time runner? Recaller?"
"Those are all horrible names! Give me a few minutes I'll come up with something." We continued to walk side by side around the base. Both of our hands gently brushed each other and I started to blush. I then gave him a hug.

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