Boop! Apagando las luces

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"Boop! Hahaha, hello everyone! My name is Sombra nice to meet you all! But I have other things to attend to." Sombra hacked the chains that were made with technology materials and then disappeared.
"Oh no! The enemy are free!" I yelled and pulled out my pulse Pistol guns. Genji threw shurikens at Reaper. Soldier 76 helped Genji take Reaper down. D.VA and Lucio worked as a duo to defeat Roadhog and Junkrat. Winston was attacking Widowmaker. And Mercy was healing everyone. But as for me I was trying to find out where the heck Sombra went. "Ow!" I was hit by a few bullets and I was now on low health. I saw a health pack and I started running to it. I reached the health pack but something was wrong. A purple skull showed up. "What? No! What is this!" I then felt something brush past me. But I didn't see anything. But then I felt a gun to my head.
"Boop! What's the matter need a health pack? Hahaha! Oh no are you on low health! I have a job to do here and that is to kill you." She had a strong Spanish accent, so she must live far away from here. Her left hand glowed purple. "Boop! Your now hacked there is no escape for you-." She didn't finish her sentence as she fell to the floor knocked out. I turned around to see Genji. He tied her up and once he was done he stood up. Once he stood up I gave him a big hug.
"Thank you, love! I was so afraid that I was going to die!" The purple skull on the life pack disappeared and I grabbed it. I used the life pack and noticed that my abilities were also back.
"I'm glad I found you but we need your help. Is your alt ready?"
I quickly checked to see if it was and then responded "almost it's at 94%!"
"Then let's go!" He grabbed me and put me on my back and he started running.
"Duck!" I pushed him down behind a statue As a bullet barely missed us both. '96% almost ready!' I cornered around the statue and started to shoot any enemy that I could. '99% almost there!' I saw Winston in front on the statue, that I was behind, and I was just about to get my alt.
"Tracer wait I'll group the enemy all up!" Then Genji ran from behind the statue and started to slash them all into the center wit his legendary blade.
"Winston!" I got ready to blink, waiting for him to be ready.
"Ready!" Winston said. I blinked up into his large gorilla hand and he threw me up high into the air. I saw everything as I slowed into the air everything moved very slow, Genji finished putting everyone in the middle and looked up at me. Making sure I was okay, then he continued to attack them. '100%! I'm ready!' I grabbed my pulse bomb and threw it down.'Oh no!' "Genji! I ran out of recalls and blinks!" I started to fall down quickly. I was falling right down where my bomb was about to blow up. "Ahh!" BOOM! I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. My bomb blew up knocking all the enemies out but I was never hit. I opened my eyes to see Genji holding me tight like a shield he had his arms wrapped around me and was almost surrounding me completely.

"...Genji?" I shook him a little, but when I did, he fell backwards. "Genji!" I stood up and started to yell for Mercy. "Mercy come here! I need your help! Please!" Then Mercy ran over to us and she quickly healed Genji.
"I will give you two some time." She said, then she left the room.
I kneeled back down to Genji and I stared down at him waiting patiently for him to wake up. After a long time I saw him move a little. "Come on, love, wake up!" I could see his eyes open from underneath his mask. Then he sat up and hugged me.
"Thank goodness I was able to save you. A blow like that would have killed you but with me I would have a bigger chance of survival." I hugged him back thankful to have someone like him.
"Thank you, love!" We then let go of each other but we still sat on the floor. "Hmm you know love, ever since you got your new robotic upgrade it's been so long since I've seen your face. Can I see your face?"

"Of course, I don't mind, I have nothing to hide from you, Lena."

"Thank you." I put my hands on both sides of his mask and I started to pull it off. Before I could go past his nose he pulled me into a kiss. I kissed him back but after a few seconds I backed away.
"Lena... I want you to know that... I-I love you." He pulled off his mask and then I saw his face. It was almost like seeing him the first time without his mask, it's been so long. He had short black hair pushed back and he had peach skin. He also had a few scars from the battle against his brother, Hanzo. Resulting in Genji almost dying. "Can you take off your goggles?"
"Sure love, and... I-I love you too!" I said in a shy tone, as I took off my goggles just like he asked.
He put his hand on my cheek and said, "Does this mean we're... a thing?"

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