Snow White & The Seven Brothers

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For as long as I've known, my family has always been different. We're werewolves. We are part of a huge pack in Montana. A pack that my father's family has lived in from the start. My father's family were founding members of the pack. They were important leaders within the pack. Elders I believe my father telling me when I was a little girl.

My mom's family were always wondering around the states. My mom didn't have a stable home to grow up in until she was 6 years. Her family finally moved to Montana. She and my dad became best friends very fast. My mom's parents were very neverous about how close my mom and dad were becoming. My grandparents hated the fact that she was so close to my father. My grandpa never wanted to stay in one place for too long. But it was next to impossible to keep them apart. They always seemed to find each other.

Mama always said that she and daddy had a love that couldn't be stopped. They dated all through high school. My grandparents could see that they were mates and they tried to break them apart when my mom was 18. They decided to leave the pack. It was upsetting to my mother because she knew my father was her mate. She fought leaving. My grandfather made my mother choose between her family or her mate. It tore my dad apart that her family was being extremely selfish but my mom picked my dad. Her family left her there. They left her standing the porch of the pack house. It had shattered her heart watching their jeep pull away.  She'd received the occasional postcard from her mother every few months but that stopped after a year or so.

My dad's parents accepted my mom right away. To them she was their daughter. She brought joy and happiness to their son's life and they enjoyed mom so much.

Dad worked at grandpa's lumber mill while mom and grandma worked at the hardware store that my grandparents' own. Mom and dad got married when mom turned 21. Mom got pregnant with my 1st brother Axel then Branden, Carlos, Diego, Edward, Fredrick and Gregory. Seven boys and my parents loved each and every one of them. Dad bought a house up in the mountains. Enough room for my brothers to run around.

Mom loved her mountain house. She loved that the boys got to run around. It was a place that she and dad could call their own. She had finally got a home.

Dad was just happy that mom was happy. Mom was just happy to have her family.

Even though mom loved her boys, she always wanted a daughter. But she had given up hope of having more kids after Gregory was born. She and dad tried for two years but nothing happened. So mom went on with her life, becoming a sports mom and taking the boys to all kind of events. When Gregory turned five, mom got some surprising news. Mom found out she was pregnant with me. She and dad were so happy. She was on cloud nine. Dad just about had a heart attack when they found out that I was a girl. Mom finally got what she wanted a little girl.

When I was born, my brothers had mixed reviews about me. My dad said that mom loved to dress me up and doing my hair.

Dad said I was a little spoiled by everyone in the pack.

I don't really remember my mom because she died when I was 4. Mom was running to pick up Carlos, Branden and Axel from football practice when she was hit by a drunk driver. My dad was devastated when she passed away. Nobody knew what to do. The Luna helped my dad for a little bit, but Axel and Brandon stepped up and they started running the house. I can remember Branden packing my lunch and taking me to school and walking me to class. Gregory was five years older than me and always looked out for me. Until I was in 8th grade. Greg had graduated and I started to get picked on. I started to hide behind a wall. A wall that kept my real self hid.

Axel being the oldest always made sure that all our homework was done, that we had clean clothes and food to eat. Axel is very protective of all of us. He leads with his position in the family. He's the Alpha's highest appointed guard something my dad is very proud of. Axel met his mate Kennedy when he shifted at the early age of 15. Kennedy is such a sweetheart. She takes all the crap my brother gives her and she gives him a run for his money. Kennedy has long raven black and chocolate brown hair. She's a little pale compared to most werewolves.

Branden is the 2nd child. Branden helps my dad at the lumber mill and around the house. Dad took over as manager and Branden is the assistant. Zeta was the lone survivor when her family was attacked by rogues. Zeta has short blonde curly hair and ice blue eyes. People used to say that her eyes matched her heart. That she was the ice queen and she'd never love anybody. It took awhile for Zeta to open up to anybody but Branden was patient and waited. Branden made sure that Zeta knew that he was there for her. Now they're inseparable. Their first child is set to arrive in September.

Carlos and Diego are the twins. Carlos was born first and is always pranking people. Diego just aides him. They ended up in the office all the time during high school. Dad always knew he was going to make a trip into school for them at least once a week. Their mates Vera and Ava are sisters. It surprised our pack. Nobody ever thought that Vera and Ava, the quiet and smart girls, would be mated to the trouble makers. Carlos's mate Vera is super smart. She's going to college for nursing. She has medium length brown hair and green eyes. She's very engerinic. I think she keeps Carlos on his toes. He's always running after her. Diego's mate Ava works at the hardware store. She works with my grandmother. She's so different from Vera. Ava is quiet. She is always checking in with Diego and make sure that it's okay for her to do stuff.

Edward is the nerd of the family. He's incredible smart and intelligent. But he's really quiet and shy. Liv was a great match for Edward. She was stuck in a bad home until she mated with Edward. Edward stood up and fought to keep Liv safe from her father and grandfather. Liv has fire red hair and can be a little spitfire with Edward. She loves when she can prove him wrong about something. Edward has a way of being right about everything and Liv can hardly pulling anything over him.

Fredrick is the 6th brother. Fredrick is kind of a collection of all the older brothers. He's the perfect child. He never gets into trouble unless it's with his mate CeCe. CeCe can see right through the perfect veil that my brother has up for the rest of the world. CeCe is always calling him out all kinds of bullshit stuff he does. CeCe has black curly hair and grey eyes. Cece is very active. She's always running or jogging. She loves hanging out with Fredrick at the gym.

Gregory is the closet to my age, only being five years older than me. He and I were definitely best friends with each other. He knew he could always protect me from anything. I was always trailing behind him. For Greg, school was just a means of meeting girls. Greg was very much a player throughout high school, until he met Piper.

I hated Piper when Greg introduced us. I felt like she was taking my best friend away from me. And she was. Greg stopped spending time with me. I became nothing to him. Piper and I still don't get along. Greg has the hardest time trying to figure out why I don't like her. How I can get along with all the rest of my brothers' mates but not Piper. I think Piper understands but she can't explain it to Greg.

Of course there's me. I have long brown hair and green eyes. I'm not like most werewolves, I have pale skin where everyone else is tan. I love to be inside reading books or at the daycare I work at. I'm a people watch. I've thrown myself into studing and getting the perfect grades.

Daddy says I look like my mother everyday. I've seen pictures of my mom and I could be her twin. It's amazing. I think that's why he's over protective of me. I don't think my dad could handle losing me. It would kill him.

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