¤ C H A O S ¤

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When me and HwaYoung were making our way to the canteen we saw Jeno. Jeno ran towards me and gave me a tight and warm hug.

"Are you ok? What else did Yura do to you?

"Calm down, I am alright."

Jeno began to scan me from head to toe to make sure. I later shook my head and looked at Jeno who had a worried face on.

"Are you sure? Your knee doesn't look alright."


Before I could even finish my sentence he crouched down and carried me in a piggy back ride.

"Just let me help you ok?"

"Huh? Put me down!"

I punched Jeno's back but it was no use. I stopped punching him and decided to let him carry me around. I can sense his confident smile as he carried me to the canteen. HwaYoung had a teasing smile and followed us from behind.

After we arrived at the canteen, Jeno placed me down and told me he's getting our trays. HwaYoung told me she's eating with her friends, so that left me alone in the spot.

I waited a few minutes, then Jeno came and gave me my tray of food. My eyes sparkled as my eyes landed on the tray filled with food which was later in my hands.

"You know, you didn't need to do all of this just because of an injured knee."

"Listen, your a princess and I am your knight in shining armour. It's my duty to protect you at all cost."

"Your so cheesy. No wonder some of your members called you a no-jam."

"Where did you get that from?"


Little did we know, the dreamies were watching us from afar, at awe. The rest of them had a sad face on except for Jisung, who was cringing at the sight of love.

"This make's me ashamed that I am still single."

Renjun looked down and the others sighed. The rest of them looked down and had a gloomy face on except for Jisung who was confused at their sudden drop of mood.

"Yeah, I want to have a girlfriend now. I don't want to be lonely and crap."

Mark looked sad and bit the inside of his cheek. Haechan later glared at Mark and let out a scoff.

"Exuse me, I am here!"

Haechan pointed to himself. Mark looked at Haechan and he sighed.

"I'd rather be lonely than to be with you."

"Excuse me?! I am the definition of high quality and your just salty about it."

"Me? Salty? C'mon, hyuck, you know your the one whose being salty about it."

Mark and Haechan started argueing which caused Chenle to let out his signature dolphin laugh. Renjun let out a sigh as he tried covering Jisung's ears.

Jaemin was with them but decided to be quiet about it. He was watching you and Jeno, he didn't want to cause any trouble so he just tighten his grip on his tray.

When me and Jeno looked at the dreamies we saw chaos happening. Haechan and Mark looked like they were about to kill eachother. Chenle laughing like it was the most funniest thing he had ever seen in his life. Renjun praying for world peace while covering the Jisung's ears. Jisung intensly judging his "friends". And lastly Jaemin who seems to looked down at his feet, looking a little upset.

Jeno sighed and went to them while I followed him from behind. When we reached there Jaemin and Jeno made eye contact and glared at eachother. Both of them asked if I can sit next to them.

"Dayeul, can I sit next to you?"

they both asked in unison. They later gave eachother some glares and scoffed.

"Hey! I asked her first."

they argued in unison which cause me to look at the both of them. I got rather annoyed seeing the two of them like this and slammed my tray on the table to make them snap out of it.

"Stop it, both of you can sit next to me. Jeno you can be on my right while Jaemin at the left"

They mumbled an 'ok' and 'alright'. While me and the double J's were eating, the dreamies were having a conversation about us.

"I smell a love triangle."

Renjun looked at the others with a weird teasing face on. Haechan let out a mischievious smile and chuckled evilly.

"Heck yeah, this is going to be very intresting"

Haechan dragged the word 'very'. Renjun eyed him down and slapped his shoulder causing Haechan to yelp in pain.

"I did not signed up for this. This is too clichè for me to handle."

Mark complained and covered his face with his hands, regretting everything that was happening.

"I do, I am going to be the cupid like those in the movies."

Chenle chirped and pretended that he had a bow with heart arrows. He aimed at Jisung and fired. Jisung let out a weird face and shook his head in embarrassment.

"Heck no, I am not going to see you in a diaper holding a big bow with hearts as it's arrows."

"No, Jisung, he didn't meant it literally."

Renjun got annoyed. Jisung later out an awkward chuckle and shoved rice in his mouth.

"Aww, Jisung is taking my footsteps. He already managed to annoy Renjun faster now."

Haechan said proudly while Renjun raised his fist and aimed it at Haechan. Haechan stuck his tongue out which caused Renjun to shove rice into his mouth.

"Shutup, burnt chicken nugget."

Renjun glared as he watched Haechan slowly choke from the rice. Chenle widened his eyes and slapped Haechan's back to prevent him from choking.

"Let it all out, Haechan. Let it all out."

Chenle said with a soothing voice as he kept slapping Haechan's back. Haechan later stopped choking and shot Renjun a glare.

Mark was stressed at Haechan and Renjun's war with eachother. Chenle and Jisung was quietly laughing at Mark's face.

We finished eating and we returned our tray. I later felt Jeno's eyes on me and I looked at him confused.


"Are you sure you can walk your way to the classroom?"

"Yes, absolutely."

Jeno nodded and we went back to our classrooms safely.


School day ended and I gotten a message from my phone. I opened the message and it was from my brother.

Big Bro Yeseul😎:
Dayeul, I can't walk you home today since our teacher gave us a lot of group projects today. I am very sorry I can't walk you home. I promise to treat you when I returned

Baby Dayeul👧:
It's ok, no need to be sorry

Big Bro Yeseul😎:
Ok, take care yeul-yeul

Baby Dayeul👧:
You too

Looks like I am walking by myself today

Before I was going to leave school someone grabbed my wrist. I was shocked to see....

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