¤ N I G H T M A R E ? ¤

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Me and Jeno arrived at our bus and the teacher gasped.

"There you are! I was so worried when I learnt that you two were missing. You two almost gave me a heart attack"

The teacher placed her hands on her chest and we bowed.

"Sorry ma'am, the rain suddebly poured and we were drenched from the rain"

Jeno explained and the teacher looked at us, concerned.

"Stay here, I'll ask the other teachers who has a towel to dry you two"

The teacher ran off and me and Jeno waited for a few minutes. The teacher returned and she gave us a towel.

"I am sorry, that's the only towel we have, but it's pretty big so you two can share it"

The teacher explained and we bowed again.

"Thank you ma'am"

We thanked her and we went inside the bus. We went to our seat and saw Jaemin with a worried face.

"Worried about us?"

Jeno asked and Jaemin looked at us. He widened his eyes and gasp.

"Where have you two been? Mark and the others were so worried about you guys being missing"

Me and Jeno looked down and we apologized.

"Sorry bout that"

Jeno told Jaemin and we sat at our seats. Me and Jeno shared the towel and I grew a little bit sleepy. The teacher shouted and we had our attention on her.

"Is everyone complete now?"

The teacher asked and we looked around. We were indeed complete and the teacher double checked. The bus took off once again, heading straight to school. It was already night time and I was getting really sleepy again.


I looked at the two and Jeno and Dayeul were asleep. I started looking at them and I sighed.

"You two should've ran away from us, now you two got drenched from the rain and probably get sick"

I whispered to myself and looked outside. The rain was pouring really hard and the sound of raindrops was really loud. I looked at the two again and saw Dayeul's head on Jeno's shoulder and Jeno's head on top of Dayeuls. They were even sharing a towel or blanket together which made me a little jealous.

| T I M E  S K I P |


I woke up by the sound of weird giggles.

"Hi Dayeul, glad to see you awake"

I looked at the person, but my vision was very blurry.

"You know, you keep hanging out with the dream squad of yours"

I couldn't see the person and I heard some laughing.

"Are you some kind of witch? Each time I get close to them, they run away. You actually stole MY spotlight. I would've had expelled you from our school, but looks like my dad was on your side. I kept begging him, but he told me that you were a 'great' student and you are a very 'good' girl. I was actually shocked, thinking that my own father would betray me like that. Too bad nobodys here to save you this time"

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