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What is love exactly?

Some people may say that they have the answer, but I myself have no idea.

I was told from a young age that love was when you would do anything for that person. They could ask for the world, and you would have no choice but to try and gift it to them, being compelled by the powerful waves of attraction and enticement that they fill your heart and mind with.

I don't think that is true though. Or at least, not entirely true. How could it be? Love isn't all sunshine and rainbows, as my parents had tried to make me believe. I saw it first hand that that is not the case, even between my mom and my dad.

If they loved each other as much as they told me they did, why did they split up? Why did my dad cheat? How did they both end up moving on to other people? I'm not criticizing them or their decisions, but it made me realize that their definition of "love" did not match the reality of it.

Love comes with heartache and compromise, betrayal and sacrifice. Not everyone gets a happy-ever-after, but they all strive hard to do so. The stories and movies projecting people in love often skip over the rough patches and hardships that appear in their life, instead showing false relationships that are every bit as perfect as we want our own to be.

This is my story of love. This is my story of two individuals who just wanted to feel as if they belonged in this dark and cruel world. It may not be as conventional as some of my other work, but it rings true just the same.

Feel free to yell, rant, curse, criticize, and shame the characters because you are in for a story filled with deceit and lies. Both of them are in the wrong, so can they really find love within the mess that they create?

We'll see.

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