"your name is hyejin, right?"

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Hyejin looks up in shock, not expecting to see the attractive guy standing in front of her with his hands in his pockets. She nods though, distracted by this unnamed stranger.

He looks like he may be a little bit older than she is, his black hair covering part of his forehead and stunningly dark eyes. His sharp jawline glints dangerously as he eyes her with raised eyebrows, finally finding the girl Jungkook had been talking about.

He must admit that she is stunning. He can understand why Jungkook had been so drawn to her, finding himself licking his own lips as he eyes her body hungrily. His eyes stop at the unmistakable hickeys on the girls neck though, a slight frown on his face as he steps forward and closes the gap between them.

"We need to talk."

Jungkook frowns as he watches Jimin place his hand on Hyejin's waist, standing way too close to her than he would like. The bell had just rung for the end of school so he was waiting for Chani to come out of her last class. He didn't expect to see Jimin and Hyejin having a conversation against the lockers, his brother's hands caging her in.

"You ok Jungkook?" Chani asks gently, her soft voice breaking him out of his daze. He doesn't answer, his jaw clenched as he takes her hand and pulls her out of the door. She stays silent as Jungkook pulls her towards his house, her incredibly confused and a little concerned at how aggressive he is being.

He wastes no time at all. As soon as they are upstairs and in his room Jungkook turns around and places his lips against Chani's in a harsh kiss that has her gasping in surprise. They haven't done anything like this for two years, her hands shaking as she tries to keep up with his fast pace.

It isn't long before they are both naked and on his bed, his hands holding her arms above her head as he slams into her. He isn't looking at her though. His eyes are closed as he shakes with rage, taking out his anger on her trembling body.

He can't seem to get the image of Jimin and Hyejin out of his head, wishing that it was her beneath him. He knows that it's wrong, but he can feel himself growing harder the longer he thinks about her.


He moans Chani's name out loud while he sinfully sings another's in his mind.

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