"you should slow down"

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Jungkook ignores Jimin's warning, gulping down the amber liquid that is in his cup. It burns his throats and he immediately cringes at the bitter taste, shaking his head as he grudgingly swallows. He has never liked the taste of beer, but that is all that is being served at this party.

Jungkook wants to let everything go. He wants to let loose and have fun, but he can't. He continues to glare over in Hyejin's direction as she laughs and dances with one of her friends, his eyes raking up and down her body as she moves to the beat of the music. Lust makes his eyes glaze over as he lounges back in his seat with his legs spread and his eyes narrowed, repeatedly gulping down the liquid as it numbs his brain and makes his world spin.

"Jungkook, don't do it."

Jimin frowns as Jungkook waves him off dismissively, tutting as he turns his gaze towards the girl that his younger brother can't seem to get out of his head. He admits that she is insanely attractive, his throat running dry as his eyes take in her tight shirt and shorts. He just doesn't like how Jungkook seems to be falling for her.

Jimin knows that they are friends now. Jungkook thinks that he's sly and cunning by meeting up with her in secret, but Jimin knows. He also doesn't mind it. Hyejin seems like a nice girl, and Jungkook actually seems to be falling for her.

He just doesn't understand why he doesn't break things off with Chani. If he likes Hyejin so much, it should be obvious that that's the right thing to do. Jungkook is just holding on to Chani because he thinks he loves her. He doesn't though; not really anyway. He doesn't know what love is, instead clinging onto the girl who he has had by his side for the past three years.

It's pretty clear to Jimin that Jungkook needs to figure out what it is that he wants before Hyejin, Chani, and himself get hurt.

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