"its been three months"

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Yoongi frowns in frustration as Jungkook holds his head in his hands, shaking his head at the boy in front of him. He and Hoseok share a knowing look before turning back to look at their young friend, not knowing what to do to convince him to stop cheating on his girlfriend.

"I know that already hyung" he says with a tired sigh, laying back on the bed and covering his eyes with his hands. He doesn't know what to do. Every time he sees Chani it's like he becomes a different person, putting on this fake persona of being happy when all he wants to do is run in the opposite direction.

He used to be so happy with her, her always able to bring a smile onto his face. Now he feels nothing, his smile as fake as the words of endearment he keeps whispering to her. Whenever he sees Chani's smiling face in front of him all he wants is for it to be Hyejin, it getting harder and harder to keep up his facade.

"Just break up with her!" Jimin yells from his seat across the room, crossing his arms in anger. He can't stand to see Jungkook like this, him turning into their father right before his eyes. If he would just break up with the poor girl then everything would be alright. He could be with Hyejin, who he obviously likes more than he thinks he does.

"I can't break up with her" Jungkook says in frustration, him sitting up to glare at his brother.

"I love her."

"You obviously don't" Jimin shoots back, his voice laced with rage as he clenches his fists. He can't stand what Jungkook is turning into, but then again he can understand why he would think this way. They have been raised in a household where this was common, Jungkook being brought up with a father telling him it's ok to sleep with other woman. That it's ok to do those things as long as you still love who you're with.

"Break up with her Jungkook. Both Chani and Hyejin deserve it."

Fake love: Jungkook smut Where stories live. Discover now