"its not much, but-"

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"I like it" he says as he cuts her sentence off, his eyes wide as he looks down at the small bracelet that she is holding in her hands. It isn't much, like she had stated, but the subtlety of it is exactly what he likes.

It is a thin bracelet made of what seems to be wood, the thin, dark band stretching over his wrist. His body hums as her fingers brush against the skin of his arm as she gently attaches it, his eyes soft as they peer at her face. She is almost angelic in his eyes, the light from her bedroom window streaming through her golden hair and making it appear even lighter in color.

"Thanks again" she says quietly, watching as his hand moves to grasp onto her own. She can't explain why her heart is beating so quickly right now, or why his hand in hers feels so nice. They have known each other for a week and she already feels so comfortable with him, it as if they have known each other for months instead.

Jungkook doesn't know what compels him to do so, but his hand is in hers even before he realizes what he is doing himself. His other hand reaches up and tucks a strand of her short hair behind her ear, watching as her cheeks turn as pink as her soft-looking lips. His fingers leave trails of tingles behind as he glides them over the soft skin of her jaw, them stopping below her chin as he lifts her head up to look at him.

They both seem to freeze as their eyes meet, the tension between them growing as the seconds tick by. Jungkook wets his lips and her eyes follow the movement, somehow entranced by the boy sitting next to her. She can do nothing but watch as he moves closer to where her face is, his nose brushing against hers before their lips connect in a soft kiss.

He pulls away before she has a chance to react, his eyes almost as wide as hers. This is wrong he thinks to himself as he brushes his thumb over her bottom lip, loving the way she seems to shiver at the contact.

"I should go" he whispers, his eyes still on her mouth as she gulps nervously. She nods in understanding but he doesn't move away from her, instead moving even closer, his hands pulling her body against his.

Fake love: Jungkook smut Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz