Chapter 2

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Normani's POV

I got my schedule and so did Lauren and Dinah. We're all excited because we have everything together! Which are Chemistry, Calculus, English, Vocals for first semester! I'm really glad I have my girls with me!

"Oh gosh! Same classes guys! This semester will be the bomb!" Lauren exclaimed Dinah and I nodded in agreement and I heard a very cute voice which belongs to the person who captivated my feels ever since day one.

"Ally! we have the same classes for first semester!" She exclaimed "I wonder who will be in our classes!"

"Don't worry! As long as we have each other!" Ally then reassured.

I turned around to look or atleast give her a glance to see if she noticed me but then suddenly her light brown eyes met mine. She gave me sweet smile yet I have her a bitter frown. How can she give me those smile while I keep giving her glares and frowns? This is why it's hard to get over her!

"Hey Lauren!" Ally chirped.

"Oh Hey Ally! How are you?" Lauren greeted.

"Happy! because I have Mila in all my classes!"

"That's great! Let me check your schedule! And here's mine! I also have everything with Normani and Dinah!"

Lauren and Dinah peeked through Ally's schedule while I pretend that I don't care. I steal glances from Camila sometimes and I found another weak spot..... that is her, scrunching up her nose! this is why I don't want to even look at her way!

"Look at that! It looks like we all have classes together!" Lauren said.

I chocked on air and it started coughing. What in the world? who chokes on air? Apparently me.

"What!?" Camila and I exclaimed in unison.

We looked at each other and we both give each other a glare. It was intense for 5 seconds when someone run and bump into Camila.

"Camila!" A brunette girl said which I recognized as Arianna.

"Ari! My wife!" Camila said as she give the girl a hug. I twitched at the sudden scenery infront of me so I averted my eyes towards Ally who is in deep conversation with Lauren.

"Let me see your schedule!" Arianna said. They switched their schedule and I watched as the both of them smiled and frown.

"Dang it! We basically have the same courses yet it was scrambled! but thank God we still have chemistry together!" Camila said.

I smirked. Ha! I have everything with her this semester! And you only have chemistry! poor girl. My brain then thought. I shook my head as I tried to shake the thoughts off my head yet it has gotten worse.

"Ladies! Let's go to chemistry! We're gonna be late!" Dinah said as she started to lead the way. I ran to her side and she nudged me.

"She's in all our classes.... Better be nice! You have a whole semester stuck with her." Dinah said and winked.

"What's that wink supposed to mean?"

"You know... In all those fanfics... You two hates each other and then you will do a project together and you two will fall in love...." she said.

I pretended to gag. "Oh please! That will never happen!"

"Well, Normani... Who knows? Someday she'll be the one you're marrying."

"Ok! you gotta stop reading your fanfics!"

"But they're my babies! they give me feels with my OTP! Also when that time comes... I mean you, having feelings for her.... Tell me and I will set you up with her!"

"In your dreams!" I said and we entered Chemistry.

Camila's POV

"I will be your Chemistry teacher! And please call me Mr. Reid. I want everyone to stand up and collect all your stuff and stand in the back of the class as I will tell you where you're supposed to sit, because I want you to meet new people and interact with others besides your friends." he said. Students then started to crowd the back of the room as Mr. Reid started reading names. The desks are huge! which means it will be two per table. There's a chance I will be with Normani but that chance is 1% and that did not let me lose hope as long as I got the chance I still have the hope.

"Ally with Lauren. Dinah with Normani. Camila and Arianna. will be in the front tables. Ladies please take your seats."

I walked to my seat and face Arianna. We whispered to each other as we waited for Mr. Reid to finish arranging. I then feel someone burning holes on my skull. I looked over and met Normani's eyes. She then quickly averted her eyes in the front. I just shrug it off and talked to Arianna.

So basically what happened in Chemistry is we socialized and introduced ourselves in the class. You know the typical first day of class.

It's then time to go to Calculus. Same thing happened but I am sitting with Dinah! She's actually so funny and we made a name for each other which is Oala! I find it cute! Noramani is sitting with Lauren. While Ally is sitting with Perrie!

It's then lunch! Dinah invited Ally and I to go to lunch with them. As usual Normani just shrugs it off because it was two of her bestfriends who invited us. It was nice but I can't help but feel rejected by Normani giving me the silent treatment and talking to Ally or Lauren or Dinah. She talks as if I'm invisible.

Time for English! Same thing happened but the sitting arrangement is........ very...... MENTAL! I hate your brain Mr. Fitz! for arranging me and Normani to sit beside each other! and oh guess what! He also decided for us to do a biography and write about our sitting partners for the whole semester! It will be due by the end of the semester. Great!!!! NOT!!

"Why in the world does this man have to make me sit with you?" Normani said but never looking at me. I was shocked she talked because we haven't talked for half an hour now... And we still have 50 minutes to kill.

"I don't know.... Probably he sensed that you hate me and now it's time to make reconciliation!" I said without thinking.

"I agree on you on the first part but making reconciliation? that won't happen, missy!"

"Atleast you agreed." I said and looked at her "that's the only thing I need to know." I then started writing or more of like scribbling tornadoes and doodling pizza, guitar and music notes.

Thankfully it's time to breath and go to Vocals!

"It's nice to see new faces in here!" Mr. Cowell said. "but as you can see... I want all of you to be in groups. For it's easier for me to mark you individually in a group project or group work. It Will also be less work for you guys."

Ally and I looked at each other but then Dinah nudged me and smiled. Lauren did the same and I can hear Normani groaning silently. Mr. Cowell then clapped his hand once indicating us to go find people.

"So the people in the group will be Normani, Camila, Ally, Lauren and me!" Dinah said to Mr. Cowell as he writes down our name.

"Alright so you guys decide a name and a song you will first song infront of the class. Write in a price of paper and give it to me tomorrow."

We then decided to go by the name Fifth Harmony! and our first song will be............ Impossible!

I'm excited for tomorrow's classes! Because I will be working with Normani in Vocals and I'll be interviewing her in English! I got to annoy her even more! But let's just hope she won't kill me by the end of the day!

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