Chapter 19

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Camila's POV

I can't help but to feel special under Normani's gaze. The looks and glances she gives me every time ever since I met her give me chills down my spine. The way she speaks my name... Its not the way she speaks her friends name. And being with her right now feels right. It's as if a forgotten memory that is deep down my heart yet my brain just fails to accept it.

"Camila!" Dinah screamed.

"Wha-what's happening?" I asked.

"You were zoned out!" she explained.

"Jeez! then no need to scream!"

Then Normani laughed. The sound of her laugh just made me wish it could be an instrument. But her voice itself it's already music.

"You know, Camila. For a new girl like you..... You really crack us up!" Normani said. I can't help but blush at the compliment.

"Well, My jokes are lame! How could I crack you guys up?" I said.

"No need for jokes..... You alone is perfect." she said without thinking.

"Well thank you." I said giving her a wink.

She laughed again, making me smile from ear to ear, because I know I can make her laugh like that and I can put a smile on her face.

"So Normani and Camila you two will share a room?" Dinah asked.

"How about you??" Normani asked.

"I want to cuddle between the cute couple." she said and shrugged when she heard Ally and Lauren groan.

"Ok" I agreed.

After a few more minutes of talking Lauren gave me a quick tour around Ally's house before I hop in the shower and Lauren went back to the girls.

Normani's POV

"Soooooo?" Dinah asked slowly making me look at her strangely.

"Soo what?" I asked.

"You and Camila." she teased.

"What about me and Camila?" I asked.

"Oh cut the crap Normani!" Ally said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"No need for jokes, you alone is perfect." Ally mocked.

"We......" Dinah said pointing at herself, Lauren and Ally. "Know who you are!" She said.

"And we all know you are in love!" The three of them exclaimed.

"No you guys cut the crap! Let's be real now! I just met her!" I said.

"You did! but that doesn't explain the fact that you are inlove with her." Dinah insist.

"Ok! what's up?" I asked.

"I ship it." Dinah said nonchalantly.

"Ofcourse you do! Why?" I asked.

"Because by the way you look at her...." Ally started "Gives me feels."

"And you don't normally look at us the way you even glance at her." Lauren said.

"And?" I asked.

"That's the thing! You know Normani.. Looks can give away everything.. Like they say "eyes are the window to our soul." even if just a simple glance can tell you a whole lot. Can make you feel a whole lot." Lauren said.

"Ofcourse! You're the one who said that!" I said.

"Wait why?" Lauren asked.

"It's a compliment don't worry." I reassured her.

"Ok.... You might be somewhat figuring out your feelings for Camila.. But just letting you know, we are your friends and we support everything you do, except if its sociopathic or phsychotic that won't be tolerated in this circle of friends unless you have a great explanation." Dinah said.

"Wow! C'mon I thought you will support me in this phsychotic act!' I said.

"Wait what?" The three of them asked.

"Again.... I was just kidding." I said.

I felt my phone vibrate and looked at it and it's a text message from an unknown number. I opened and read the message "That's right Normani... Don't make this hard for me now.. Just go with the flow." The message said. I gulped and quickly shove my phone in my pocket.

"ok.... Fine.. I admit... I do like Camila!." I said.

Narrator's POV

"Do like Camila." Camila heard Normani exclaimed.

"Like me? Who does?" Camila then appeared only hearing half of Normani's statement.

"Oh you know." Dinah started but never really said anything. She wants Normani to do the move.. She want her bestfriend to confess or ask Camila on a date first before asking her to be her girlfriend.

"Really, I don't know." Camila said innocently, really hoping that it is Normani who likes her. She kept on thinking how it will be to be with Normani romantically.

"Camila.." Normani started, nervous but not because of asking Camila out but the fact that someone is watching over them. She don't want to ask Camila out because of that someone but it's needed and she is dying to kiss those lips.

"Yes?" Camila asked giving Normani that cute smile. The same smile she gave when Normani told her about her feelings. The same smile she gave Normani after their first kiss. And that only made Normani's breath to hitch and forgot everything.

"I-I Would like to take you out on a date tomorrow?" Normani asked quickly but shyly.

Camila can't hide the huge grin that appeared in her face, the blush that made her cheeks warm. "I would love to!" She excliamed.

"Woooohhhoo!" Dinah screamed, the big shipper that she is. Lauren and Ally gave them an approving smile, a smile that parents give to their child when they've done something to make the parents proud.

Camila stayed on the same spot that she is standing on right now, just looking at Normani, while Normani just look at her lovingly. Dinah rolled her eyes and nudge Normani. Normani cleared her throat.

Normani's POV

I opened my arms and asked Camila to cuddle with me. She gave me a shy smile, she looked down and tuck a lose strand of her hair behind her ear. When she was about to sit beside me I pulled her so that she will be sitting between my legs.

"I want to cuddle." I said and pouted.

"i think we already are." Camila said and rest her back on my front while she take both my hands and wrap it around her. Our fingers are intertwined and I can't help but to close my eyes and rest my head on her head, savouring the moment that I am dying to do. Her scent once again filled my nose. She is back in my arms the way it used to be, The only difference is that she don't remember anything... And she won't remember anything about Rio... when ofcourse we made love...

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