Chapter 8

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Normani's POV

So I'm the one in charge for the movies tonight's sleepover at Camila's. I decided to bring a horror movie, and the rest are Disney/ Pixar movie.

I ring Camila's doorbell and Camila greeted me.

"Hey Normani!" Camila greeted.

"Hey! Someone's excited?" I teased.

"C'mon!"she said and drag me inside her house.

"Meet my mom!" Camila said.

"Good morning Mrs. Cabello!" I greeted.

"Oh! please call me Sinu! Calling me by that makes me feel old!" she exclaimed.

"That's because you are mom!" Camila teased.

"You'll understand once you grow up, sweetie!" Sinu said.

"Hahahahah I will!" Camila laughed.

"Alright girls! I will be at work. Just call me when you need anything." Sinu said.

"Bye Sinu!" We said in unison.

Camila kissed her mom's cheek and walked her to the door.

"So what do we do first?" Camila asked.

"Karaoke!" Dinah screamed.

"Alright Cheechee! We get it!" Camila said. there it is again, the nickname.

We sing until our food came. We ordered Chinese foods! and desert! It was heaven!

"Time for movies!" Ally said.

"Let's start with the Disney movies first! Then let's watch the horror movie last." Lauren suggested and everyone agreed.

Everyone cried during the Disney movies... Now it's time for the horror one!

Camila has been hiding her face on my shoulder while her arms are wrapped tightly around my arm. I untangle my arm from hers and she looked at me pleadingly. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, she then instantly wrap her arms around my torso and puts her legs up on my legs.

Mental note! Bring horror movies for sleepovers!

After brushing our teeth, we headed the extra room where it has a double king sized mattresses on the floor.

"May I ask again... Why is there two king sized mattresses in this room?" Lauren asked.

"Because Mila and I used to have projection here and we watch movies in here." Ally explained.

"What happened and why did we watch downstairs in the main room?"

"The projection broke down." Camila sadly said.

"Alright let's go to sleep!" Dinah said as she ran in the middle of the conjoined beds.

I then settled myself beside Dinah and Lauren on the other side while Ally is beside Lauren. Camila don't have a choice but to sleep beside me! I smiled and pat the spot next to me.

She smiled and settled down.

Camila kept on tossing and turning around and it's been half an hour.

"Hey.... Camila... You can't sleep?" I whispered.

"I'm scared." she said.

"Come closer." I said and opened my arms for her.

She turned around to look at me and smiled.

She then moved closer, her back pressed on my front and I rest my arm around her torso. But what happened next, never have crossed my mind. She turned around and hugged me, draping her leg over mine her head moved closer, my chin resting on top of her head. She snuggled more into me which I find it comfortable and cute. This position is right. It feels right. It feels as if it's meant to be. I know for sure that tomorrow I'll be craving it.

Camila's POV

I woke up with a very comfortable cuddling buddy. I then snuggled into them more and I heard voices that said "awwww" in unison.

"They're so cute!" Dinah said.

"Their bodies fits together just like ours." Lauren said.

"I wonder when they will date." Ally said.

I then heard them exited the room. I took a breath and inhaled Normani's scent. It was sweet and cuddly! I want to stay like this forever. I felt her stirred and I kept my eyes shut. She moved.

"Shoot! Why do I need to pee? I want to stay like this" I heard her whine.

She carefully untangle herself from mine but before she can leave the mattress she kissed my forehead and mumbled something but I did not hear what she said. I heard her exit the room and that when I opened my eyes and squeal silently. I buried my face on the pillow and smiled widely. I just can't believe I snuggle with Normani the whole night! Plus! She kissed my forehead before leaving! Also! She wants to stay in the position we were in last night!

I walked out and someone sent me a message. I looked at it and it was a photo from Dinah. It's a picture of me and Normani snuggling. I then read the caption.

"Thank me when you wake up ;)" it said.

No one said a word about the snuggling, no teasing at all. We decided to have a lazy Sunday instead.

Normani's POV

"Alright guys! that's for today! Class dismiss." Mr. Fitz said.

We were about to exit the room when.....

"Oh! Girls? Can you stay for a minute? I have to discuss with you about your biography." Mr. Fitz said.

"Are you talking to all of us? or?" Lauren asked.

"Normani and Camila but you guys can stay." Mr. Fitz said.

The girls decided to stay and we waited for Mr. Fitz to talk.

"Well you all are aware that there will be a school play which will be a Youth Embracing Sexuality motif. So I am asking Normani and Camila to write the script. If it's alright for you?" he asked.

"Yeah! we will be willing to." Camila and I said in unison.

"Alright meet me here after school for the plot and other things we have to discuss." he said "also can Dinah, Lauren and Ally stay here for a minute? You guys can go ahead."

"Alright see you guys in vocals" I said.

Camila and I headed to vocals, excited to write the script.

Narrator's POV

"Are they dating?" Mr. Fitz instantly asked "I know this is not my role to play in your lives but I need to know."

"You ship them too?" Dinah asked.

"Yes I do! Mr. Green and I are planning to get them to have the courage to ask each other out." Mr. Fitz informed.

"Mr. Green too?" Ally asked.

"Yes!" Mr. Fitz said.

"They are not dating though." Lauren said.

"Alright! you guys are the best friend of the two... So you might as well want to know the plan." Mr. Fitz explained. The trio nodded in delight.

"Well.... We want them to write the script and want them to be the lovers of the play... We know that they admire each other so much! so Mr. Green and I thought that this play might fuel the fire." Mr. Fitz said "So what you guys think?"

"Do it! We will encourage them to say yes because we will join the play!" Dinah said.

"Good! I was really hoping you would say that!" Mr. Fitz said "so I expect the three of you to be there! alright?"



"You can count on us!"

The four of them smiled wide, excited to read the script and to watch how the play rolls out!

The Only Hatred I Had For You Was Love (Normila)Where stories live. Discover now