Chapter 24

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Normani's POV

Everything seemed to be shallow, nothing deep that can impress me. My parents are beside me whispering comfort thoughts, while Camila's are in misery. The agony in their eyes is something I can't endure. Sorrow and discomfort, there's nothing I can do but to wish for the project to end. The love of my life is in that emergency room fighting for her life. While her parents are anxious, for their child. They want her alive, all of us do. Even Lauren's parents are here to comfort and to ask forgiveness about Lauren's action.

"I'm sorry, Sinu and Alejandro. I never knew she was alive, all those months we are in grief believing that she is not with us physically anymore." Clara said.

"You don't have to be sorry, you didn't know. Like the police said Lauren had a traumatic breakdown causing her memories to relapse and whoever took her convinced her that she is dark and her friends are against her. It is no one's fault but that guy who threatened our children." Sinu said calmly, though I can see it in her eyes that she is devastated that she can't do anything to catch that savage man.

"Well, it's clearly not safe for the girls to be here." My mom said sitting along with adults so did Dinah's parents. Dinah then took this opportunity to sit beside me. I noticed her fingernails are bitten raw, a habit ever since she was in diapers. However her features are neutral, not showing anything, her eyes are distant and glossy. Then I know what is going on inside her head.

"Hey, Dinah." I said trying to soothe her.

"It's my entire fault. The earlier I told you guys this, the better. Lauren would've been rescued, Camila will be sitting with us right now. I should have asked for help. I know I could, but then fear ate my essence." Dinah said, fiddling with her fingers.

"No." I said firmly. "You heard what Sinu said, this is no one's fault but that savage man. He is the one to take the blame. He put us through this fear, and sorrow. He's the one who put Lauren into that situation." I said. "So, Dinah, Please. Don't blame yourself." I said. Because in all honesty I am the one who put you all in this mess. I thought to myself.

"You're right, what done is done. We have to fight and pray for both Lauren and Camila." Dinah said, relaxing a bit.

A doctor then came in the waiting room, speaking Lauren's name. We all gathered around him as we wait for him to speak.

"Lauren is somewhat recovering, she still having relapse of her memories confusing what is her own and what is been impaled. Though she keeps muttering sorry, and she wants to talk to Normani, Dinah and Ally." The doctor said.

"Oh, Ally is coming, she just dropped by her grandparents' house to tell them what is going on and to inform her parents as well since they are in a business trip in Mexico." I said, Right when I ended my sentence, I saw Ally's tiny figure running towards us.

"Is everything ok?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"We are just talking about how Lauren wants to talk to us." I informed her. She looks fragile so I hugged her.

"it's ok we will be there. We will get through this together, ok?" I whispered and broke the hug.

"You ladies follow the doctor, just call us when you need something." My mom said smiling at us encouragingly.

"It's ok, I think it will help Lauren fit the right puzzle together, if see you guys." Clara said. We then smiled and I told them to call of us or text us if they said something about Camila.

"Guys I'm scared." Ally said "What if she doesn't remember us at all. What if she confuses us again into her enemy?"

Hearing those words from Ally broke my heart, her eyes are already bawling, her lower lip is quivering, she looks so weak and pale. While Dinah on the other hand, she is pale as well, her eyes are distant, her knuckles are white. She hates to see Lauren like this, trust me I do too. I am just trying to stay strong for the both of them, they both need someone. I caressed Dinah's arm as we started to walk. She couldn't fight it anymore and let the tear invade her eyes. She sobbed on my shoulder as we kept on walking. Ally is clinging tightly on my arms while Dinah being taller than me took her awkward position of my shoulder and interlaced our fingers instead.

The Only Hatred I Had For You Was Love (Normila)Where stories live. Discover now