Chapter 17

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Normani's POV

It took a lot of energy for me to go out of my bedroom. the girls even have to drag me out and pour ice cold water at me. Like literally. They asked a lot of questions, asking me if it's a girl, that Dinah would beat her up, whoever broke my heart. They are concern I know but really, I'm just tired.

"Alright guys! So who's ready to write their essays about Rio?" Mr. Fitz asked enthusiastically.

I groaned. What am I supposed to write in my essay? I was walking with a beautiful girl along the beach, a girl that no one knew existed? That no one knew or remembered how her laughter can be the light of the darkest room? i mean I spent most of my time wandering Rio with her!

"Normani? is there a problem?" Mr. Fitz asked.

"No! There's no any problem." I said. In fact that my girlfriend disappeared!

"Alright... Then.. Well I will give you guys this period to work on your essays. You can work with a partner of in groups of five." Mr. Fitz said.

Five... What are the odds! The three girls gathered around my seat and take out their work.

"Guys... What did I do in Rio?" I asked.

"Well you spent most of the time at the beach, you even met this girl." Lauren said.

"Which girl?" I asked.

"Her name is Melody. I think." Ally tried to remember and before I can even ask anymore question or should I say interview for my essay since I didn't know what happened Mr. Fitz interrupted.

"Hello guys. We have a new student." He said.

I looked up and felt my jaw drop. My heart began to race faster than it should, i thought it will give me heart attack.

"Hey, My name is Camila Cabello." She said and waved at us "I'm glad to meet all of you."

"Mr. Fitz! She can work with us. Since we only have 4 people." I said.

"Great! So Camila just please go join the girls." Mr. Fitz said.

"That is highly unlikely you." Dinah said suspiciously.

I just shrug my shoulders and welcomed Camila with a huge smile but I made sure to not look creepy.

"Hey guys! Thank you for inviting me." Camila said and gave us that smile that i learned to love.

"No problem at all." I said. "My name is Normani." 

"Dinah Jane."



We introduced ourselves and the girls asked Camila questions about her. I bit my tongue for me not to answer before Camila does. i mean it is taking a whole lot of me to not tell the girls she likes Music, a lot of them, she loves pizza and chicken wings! that she loves the beach! And the way she'll scrunch u her nose when she was sleeping.

"So Camila... Do you play any sports." Lauren asked.

"She-" I said but cut myself off.

"I Really don't play sports but I love watching them." She said.

"that's great." I commented after a few minutes of silence.

"So we are planning a sleepover at my place, do you want to join?" Ally offered.

"Yeah! Sure!" Camila said and smiled.

After talking and doing work the day has ended.

"Here is my address. and our phone numbers! Just call us if you got lost." Ally said.

"OMG! This is like two houses away from mine." Camila said.

"Wait really? Ally asked. "How comes I haven't seen any truck?"

"Well we bought the house with the stuff with it so we really didn't do a lot of moving so no need for trucks." Camila said.

"Alirght! We'll meet you there at 5." Lauren said.

Camila waved bye at us and my eyes followed where whe went and she entered the car the same car she loved before she disappeared.

I then looked at the girls to see them looking at me accusingly. "What?" i asked.

"We remembered that day. You said something about a girl named Camila, You were depressed. Now that all the sudden a Camila appeared and you have your energy back!" Dinah said.

"i don't what you guys are talking about." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh so now we are the crazy ones?" Lauren snapped.

"Probably." i said.

"You are impossible." They all said in unison.

"Wow! Well rehearsed guys!" I said and brush past them towards my car.

"hey! You're my ride!" Dinah called back.

"Then c'mon hurry!" I exclaimed.

As we enter the car, Dinah cleared her thoat. "I know you like that girl." She then said.

"What? I just met the girl" i said.

"My guts! tells me that you knew her." Dinah argued.

"Probably you're guts is just hungry and it's growling right now, you are just probably misinetpreting what it's saying." I said.

"Ok! Fine! But you never denied you like her." She said "But don't worry! I ship it." She said and gave me the smile she gave me before, that evil smile that says 'I'll set you up with her! anything that will go in my way will be ruined'

But I am really thankful she's back. But how am I supposed to let her fall in love with me? I mean I'm just another strager she met at school. She don't have the memory of us being together..... Or does she?

The Only Hatred I Had For You Was Love (Normila)Where stories live. Discover now