Chapter 5

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Camila's POV

We finished eating dinner and we decided to watch movies for the rest of the night.

"Hey! Camila can I use your phone for a sec?" Ally asked.

"Yeah sure! You know my password."


"Normani can you get the stack of movies in the closet? It's in a huge bag! get all of it." Lauren asked.

"I might need some help!" Normani said. No one volunteered so I did.

"I'll come with you!" I said.


We were searching for the bag in the closet when all the sudden the door locked and we saw Dinah on the other side since the door is transparent.

"Oh no..." Normani and I said in unison.

"Dinah! Open the door!" Normani demanded.

"Not unless I want them open. So Buuhh Felicia!" Dinah exclaimed.

"I will call 911 and tell them we got kidnapped!"

"No you won't! You left your phone here outside and Camila have hers to Ally..." Lauren said.

"Fine! But when we get out of here I'm telling you! you guys are a dead meat" Normani threatened which caused the trio to run.

"So what are we gonna do now?" I asked and sit on the floor.

"I don't know.... Probably wait."

"Let's play something!"

"Sure! What game?"

"The question game! It's basically 21 questions but the questions are not limited."

"So I can ask you whatever?"


"Alright... Let's start with..... Who was your first crush during our freshman year?"

Oh Shit! This is not gonna happen! What should I say? C'mon! C'mon! Think of someone!

"Lauren." I blurted.... What the heck was that???? Lauren?? Seriously?

"You guys don't even talk that much."

"Yeah.. I know... it's just a crush! You know just a silly admiration!"

"Admiration for what?"

"Her eyes! that's all nothing else."

"Ok then! You're turn!"

"Same question!" I said. "Who was your first crush?"


"Hey! C'mon! I told you mine!"

"Mine was Ally!" she said

Now I know why she was nice to me.

"Do you still like her?" I asked.

"That's two question at a time but to answer your question! I don't!" she said.

"Oh ok! Your turn!"

"Who's gonna be the next girl you will ride with on your motorbike?" She asked.

"No one." I said.

"Wait why?" She asked turning to look at me. "Don't tell me you're turning straight?"

I laughed "Don't worry Normani! I'm not. Because the next girl I will date don't deserve to ride that bike." I said.

Normani's POV

I felt my heart stutter. "But why not?" I asked.

"Because I want to date the next girl who I will truly like.... That I will ride with when I'm going to ride my personal one, when no one except for me rides it, not even friends... Because I want that girl to feel special. I want her to feel how special she is to me." Camila said while looking at the ground, smiling.

I felt jealousy because I know I won't be that girl... I'm not gonna be hugging her waist and resting my head on her shoulder when we rush off using that bike... Only if Camila knows how much I want it... But I will make a fool out of myself once I told her what I feel.

"That girl would be really lucky!" I said.

"You think so?" she asked.

"Definitely! Because the way you speak of her right now.... I feel like you've already found her." I said, hoping that she will say she haven't.

"Oh yes..... Yes I found her. She makes my heart beat faster, faster after I run a mile. She makes my head spin making me dizzy, dizzier if I twirl myself around. She's someone I would be willing to be stupid enough thinking she might like me back."

"Of course she will!"

"Hopefully." she said, I know that might be feeling insecure.

"Don't worry Camila! You're sweet, nice , funny, beautiful! No one will ever reject you. trust me!"

She smiled wide.

"How about you? Who would you date next?"

"I'm not planning on dating anyone soon, not unless I got rid off this feelings from another girl."

"You like someone?"

"Yeah.... I like her a lot! But it's impossible for her to like me so no chance at all!" I said.

"How so?"

"She's dating someone else." I lied.

"OOh." she whispered.


"Don't worry! you're not alone! we are both helpless!"

"So as long as we got each other!" I said.


An hour passed and the girls decided to open the door.

"Are they making out?" Lauren whispered.

"No we are not!" I exclaimed.

The three of them jump. "so anything happened between you two?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah! We asked each other for our biography." Camila said.

"You guys are boring! Too plain!" Ally whined.

"Now let us out!" I said.

"Uuugghhh! fine!"

As we settled for good. I can't help but think of who might be Camila's girl. It could be one of the girls but then there are a whole lot of girls here in the world.... And I have less than 0.001% chance to be that girl.

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