Chapter 18

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Normani's POV

I am waiting for Camila to knock on those doors I've been staring at for how long I can remember. "Don't worry Normani she'll come." Dinah said.

"I know." I said bluntly, trying to sound as if I don't care. Then we heard a knock on the door and I immidiately stood up claiming that I would get the door.

"Hey Camila." i said.

"hey Normani." She said as I stare at her feeling that if I don't she'll be gone again. I noticed she's uncomfortable so I just cleared my throat. "Come in." I invited.

"Hey Camila." Lauren said, I then looked at her oddly but then I remembered she doesn't remember anything about calling her Camz.

"Hey Lauren. Where's Dinah and Ally?" Camila asked.

"They're in the kitchen." Lauren said pointing towards the kitchen so Camila went over there and Lauren looked at me with an amused gaze.

"Never have I ever seen you this intrested into a new girl." Lauren said.

"Well we always have our first don't we?"

"Is this the part when I ask you 'Oh Normani, Does love at first sight exist?'"

"Funny Lauren, Really.. Hahaha it's so funny I forgot to laugh." I said.

"Wow. You could've atleast played along with it." She said and punched my arm playfully. We heard laughters in the kitchen so we made our way to look what is happening.

"Whoever was in the kitchen is cleaning this mess." Lauren said dragging me away from the kitchen and sat me down on the couch.

"We could've helped." I said.

"No, I need to talk to you." Lauren said, serious.

"About what?" I asked.

"Camila." She said.

"When was she born?"

"March 3, Why?"

"Where is she originally from?"

"Cuba, Why?"

"What's her parents name?"

"Sinu and Alejandro Cabello, Why?"

"We are back! Don't worry it's all clean." We heard Camila said.

"Hey Camila!" Lauren said "Why don't you sit with us?"

"yeah sure."

"Camila, When's your birthday?" Lauren asked "I just remembered we forgot to ask you that." My eyes then widened, how am i so stupid.

"Alright I'll give you a quick Biography about me." Camila said, Lauren then looked at me with a cinfused gaze. "My birthday is March 3. I'm born in Cuba and my parents name are Sinu, my mom and Alejandro my dad." Lauren looked at me with eyebrows raised and my jaw is clenched.

"Nice to meet you! Well how did the school treat you on your first day?" Lauren asked.

"It was good. People are nice and It's my first day here and you guys suddenly invited me to a sleepover. It's really nice for you guys to do that! I feel really welcomed." Camila said.

"Camila! You're not yet done here! Come back here!" Dinah screamed from the kitchen.

"Ooops that's my call. Don't want the furry Dinah waiting." Camila said and laughed. I tried not to follow her movements yet my eyes betrayed me and admired her gracefulness. I heard Lauren cleared her throat.

I looked at her and she shot me a glare. "Ok tell me. How the hell did you know all that?"

"I was just paying attention." I said calmly.

"Paying attention to what?"

"She was writting her biography in class and I took a peek and saw all the answers for your question."

"Look, Normani. If...... If ever you have met her before, or probably she's the girl you were talking about back in Rio, you can tell us." She said.

"Girl I was talking about in Rio?" I asked.

"Yeah..... You said, you will meet the girl at night along the beach. You described her as a beautiful girl with big, soft brown eyes."

"there's alot of girls that has big, soft brown eyes, Lauren." I said.

"yeah, I know... But when she was introduced to us in English class, there was a spark in your eyes. It has always been there but the past few days it was gone now it's back." She said.

"Camz." i just said out in the blue.

"Camz? That seemed familiar." She said. "I know I heard that somewhere before."

"It's what you call Camila." I tried again.

"Camz....." She said it's as if she is speaking a different language.

"hey guys." Camila said.

"Hey Camz." Lauren said immidiately which surprised the both of them.

"Camila! Help!" Ally screamed.

"Coming!" Camila said.

We watch Camila disappear once again.

"Ok.... Calling her that went fluent." Lauren said.

I was about to answer when I felt my phone vibrate. Not once, not twice so I knew it is a call. I looked at it and there was no caller ID but I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi.." A man trailed.

"Who's this?"

"Normani.... I thought, everyone has forgotten what had happened, I thought my job here is done.. And here you are making it harder for me." He said.

"Harder? Forgotten? What job are you talking about?" I demanded.

"Sweety, All you have to do is wait, Till all of them will remember. But I'm afraid I can't promise you that they will comepletely remember what it was back then... So why don't you just let me do my job.. Forget Camila or your life... Just stick to the story..."

"What story?"

"You know all the memories your friends will telll you. Also, Nowmani don't even try to force the truth out of them..... It might not end well.... And we both know, you don't want them hurt."

"What are you talking about?"

"goodbye." He said and the line went dead.

I stared at my phone, not believing what happened... All of words he told me was jumbling inside my head i think I'll faint.

"hey Normani, Are you alright." Lauren asked and I managed to nod my head before dark consumed me.

The Only Hatred I Had For You Was Love (Normila)Where stories live. Discover now