Chapter 16

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Normani's POV

The school trip at Rio was fun! We got to dance and perform infront of the citizens of Rio and we got to interact with them. It was a great opportunity to learn more about the place. We also got to explore the beauty of it. Which I'm really thankful because Camila and I most likely spent the whole wandering the isalnd togeether.

"So now that we are back here." Mr. Green said gesturing at the airport of Miami "I would like to hear all your thoughts... but! not today or tomorrow but on monday. I will see you guys in class! fresh with the memory of what we discussed and what you learned in Rio because you will write an essay about it."

A lot of students graoned but agreed.

"So... Guys? You wanna crash in my place?" I asked the girls. They all nodded tiredly.

We arrived at my place, tired as heck.

"Guys. No ones at home until next week." I said.

"Well, Then see you guys tomorrow. I'm really tired!" Dinah exclaimed and made her way towards the guest room.

We all crashed in our beds, ofcourse! Camila is cuddled with me.


"So what do you guys want to do today?" I asked after breakfast.

"Go back to sleep?" Dinah suggested.

"A lazy day then|!" I said. We all got in our spots at the living room and watched a movie.

"Normani?" Camila asked.


"What will you do.... If you woke up remembering I was in your arms but then I'm not... So you wake up thinking I'm somewhere else, and you asked the girls where I am, but then they have no idea who I am and who you are talking about. It's as if I disappear all the sudden without anyone remembering me but you." She all the sudden asked.

The question shocked me "What will you think that? Of course, it'll drive me insane. Knowing that the girl I love disappeared but no one else remembered the beauty, the fun and the good spirit you had." I said.

"In case that happens.... Please... Don't forget that I love you... ok? I love you. I love you to my existence till even every bits of me disappeared. I still love you." She said and kissed me. The kiss felt as if it's a sign of goodbye. Which only made me feel unease.

"Remember that if you disappear... I love you... Even you are imaginary or real, I love you." I said. Camila smiled at me and carress my cheek with pad of her thumb.

Narrator's POV

The girls spend their time together for the rest of the day. Chatting like normal teenagers, But Normani watched Camila intently. Camila was quiet, Cracked jokes here and there but it wasn't the normal ones. Normani will reassure Camila every second she got the chance but Camila will just sweetly smile at her or pull her into a kiss.

Normani's POV

It was unusual of me to watch Camila every second. I feel that if I take my eyes off of her she'll be gone. But ofcourse I shake that thought of my mind.

"Sleep!!!!" Dinah exclaimed.

We all laughed and wish everyone goodnight. I then settled beside Camila and she snuggle into me. "You're so cuddly." She said

"And so are you."

"Goodnight." She said and gavve me kiss. It was sweet and passionate. She then climed on top of me and the kiss got more heated.

After hours I don't know of making out we decided to go to sleep. I did not sleep easily but then I can't fight it anymore.

As I opened my eyes Camila is gone. Then I checked the washroom, she's not there. I checked the kitchen, she's not there, and I basically checked every inch of my house and she's not there. I then checked my phone for Camila's phone number but it was not in my contacts. I memorize her number anyways so i dialed it.

"Hello? Geraldson residence. How am I help you." A man asked.

"Sorry. Wrong number." I said . I again checked the number and it was Camila's but apparently it was not hers. The girls are now awake wondering why I am so wide awake with a coffee in my hand.

"Hello?" Dinah asked.

"Hi!" I said.

"Are you ok?" Lauren asked.

"Camila" i said.

"Who?" The two of them asked.

"Camila! She's missing." I said. "Wait. Do you know who Ally is?"

"Yeah and she's my girlfriend." Lauren said and looked at me weird. "But who is Camila?"

"Oh no..." I whispered to myself.

"I'll always love you..." I heard Camila then whispered in my head.

I then burst into tears and the girls came rushing towards me even Ally. Who seemed really soncern about me.

"Hey, Ally." I said.

"Hi." She said.

"Do you happened to know a person named Camila?" I asked.

Ally looked confused and not even a slight recognition is in her face and she shake her head no.

"Who is this Camila. you kept on talking about?" Dinah asked.

"Nothing." I said and smiled.

They just said alright and made their breakfast. So last night was really a goodbye... Please Camila... Tell me this is just a dream. I tell myself.

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