Chapter 23

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Normani's POV

       "I'll be back, ok?" I asked Camila and kissed her temple. I then followed the guy that somewhat loves to watch people get sad or die. I turned the corner and I saw the exit door closed. I opened it and found him standing with his hand stuffed inside his pockets.

"What do you think you're doing out here?" I hissed out the words.

"What is it you think I'm doing? huh, sweetie?" he asked and showed off his teeth, which are crooked.

"You! ruining my life.. and my friend's! this is about me.. not them." I said.

"They are a huge part of your life, sweetie. what happens to them impacts you a lot." He said a matter of fact.

"They are my friends. Not me. They have a family and a life to live with! You are working on a project on me! not them!" I said while pointing at myself.

"As you see, you are also a huge part of their life. In fact Lauren here, treats you like a sister, she loves you like you are her sister, her own blood." He said.

"Just please tell me this is just a part of project." I said.

"Oh, yeah, It is."

a huge weight then fell off my back. Then I know that she will be alright once this is over.

"However. We can't play with lives. We can play their fate or how the way they die. But sweetie, I'm sorry to say that, she might not live again." he said without sympathy.

"Fuck. You." i said and turned around. returning to my friends as they all sob and cry. Whispering their thoughts against their palms. I then see my parents walked in the waiting room.

"Oh, darling." my mom said and engulfed me with a hug.

"It's ok honey.. you will see her again." my dad tried to reassure.

"Mom, dad.. This is Camila, my girldfriend." I introduced Camila. Camila walked over to us shyly.

"Hi, nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. Hamilton." Camila said.

"Don't be so formal, Camila. Call me Andrea" my mom said.

"My name is Derrick." my dad said.

"Nice to meet you." Camila said.

"the pleasure is all ours." my mom said and smiled. They then excused themsleves to talk to the Jaureguis.


Our Parents decided to have us on a sleepover at the Jauregui's cabin. and the adults will be over at their house.


"What do you think will happen now?" Ally asked as soon as we setteled in, sitting around the table.

"We will continue our lives, with Lauren." I said.

"But how? Lauren is gone." Ally said.

"is she?" I asked.

""What re you talking about?" Dinah asked.

"She still lives here inside our heart, and memories. As long as we remember her. She is alive with us." i said.

"It's too painful." Ally said.

"I know Ally. I know."


A month later

Everything is not the same without Lauren. No continues blabbering about softball, Ally is depressed. The sunshine that she is seemed to be covered in dark clouds. However she still tries to brighten our days. It's been a month since Lauren died, since the last I heard from that people who's doing a project. I am now worried for Dinah though. She has been acting real weird around us lately. The other time i caught her talking secretly to someone over the phone.

The Only Hatred I Had For You Was Love (Normila)Where stories live. Discover now