What he teached you

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He thought being smart is important for you, so since age of 2 he has being teaching you about math, technology, ect... Still remember everything so teachers don't know what to do with your smart-ass.


You actually wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle. He drives one so he said he will teach you. He teached you how to drive it, even uncle Bucky came to help sometimes. Now can drive a motorcycle like a badass, have many speeding tickets which upsets Steve.


Of course it is how to shoot arrows. He is basically trying to make you a Little Clint. You love doing it so do it everytime you get home for two hours thile mother comes saying it's dangerous. There might even be a chance that your better then Clint.


She thinks safety is important for when you're alone home. She teached you how to use EVERYTHING as a weapon, even a damn paper. It was funny though so liked when she told you about how to use all these.


He teached you how to stay calm because he doesn't know if you can also go Hulk or not, since you never done it before. It helps with homework.


He found toasters amazing so he teached you how to use them. You still don't understand how that's usefull in the future but now can make poptarts without his help.


He teached you how to use his scepter after he saw you staring at it everyday. It was amazing. It was cool. You like to spin it around and blast out windows... thile Tony says to pay it.


He teached you how to fight since he's scared HYDRA will try to take you. So now always have fun fights with Natasha. She's still powerfuller so she always wins. It makes you want to practice more thile you can take her down. Bucky will just help.


He teaches you everything almost. He wants to be a big part in your memories so he will always help you with whatever you want. He even now homeschools you so you two can stay together more.

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