Chapter I

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"Please don't cry Willow, you'll make it through. You always have." The man looked up at his daughter's sadden face. "I don't know if i can do this-with that man..." The man's coughing interrupted her before she finished "Maybe one day, he'll come back, and take you away to a far better life, far better than this." He said sipping on a glass of water. "Maybe" Willow said to herself. She never forgot that day her father died, that last talk they had, his last words. Looking out the window from her dim room, Willow sighed as another clap of lighting filled the stormy sky. Taking another sip of what little wine remains in her glass in hand as she pondered on why she made such a decision. Marrying Jacques over her oldest friend. Staying true to the Schnee name and marrying a promising, honorable man, or so she thought over a life filled with adventures and glory, and unforgettable stories as a seafaring criminal. Just before she put her glass down a knock came from the door before a young girl walked in. "Mother." Willow put on a professional attitude as best as she could looking at Weiss. "Yes Weiss." "Father wanted me to ask you if you would be joining us for dinner tonight?" Surprised seeing her mother look back out the window from her chair and answering, "I'm not feeling up for it, sorry Weiss." Angered by her mother's answer, Weiss looked at the empty bottle of wine on the stand next to her mother. Bitter over her mother's decision and lack time they spend together she asked, "Why?" Surprised by her daughter's outburst she looked back at her. "Pardon?" She said with some authority in her voice. "WHY!?" Caught off guard by her question she sat there as Weiss continued. "Why do you drink so much every day? Why do you spend your time sitting there looking out that dumb window? You've spent more time in this room with that bottle then you ever have with US! You never spend time with us anymore, ever since Whitley was born you locked yourself away in this room and stare out tha-that...that DAMN window." Speechless from Weiss's words Willow stood up and looked out the window holding what emotions she held back for so long before falling to her knees breaking out in tears and sobs. Before Weiss could walk out the door she looked back at what had just happened, her own mother on her knees crying as if she just lost everything in her life right before her very eyes. "Mother...I didn't mean what I said...I..." "No! No, I'm sorry. I've been such a terrible mother..." Before she could finish Weiss ran over to her mother and hugged her as if her life depended on it and didn't let go. "Weiss I..." Right then Klein walked in on on Weiss and Willow, "I'm sorry to intrude but Mr .Schnee would like to know-oh I'm sorry!" Weiss hastfully spoke up, "It's okay Klein. Could you close the door before you leave?" Not pressing with the issue before him, he simply nodded and closed the door before walking away. "Weiss your father is going to be..." "Klein will come up with an excuse for me not coming back. We spend time together when we get the chance." Willow slightly smiled at her daughter's shameless answer with her eyes starting to swell from the crying. Helping her mother to the sofa a few feet away, Weiss laid her there before giving the room more light to see better. "Weiss, could you come her?" Willow spoke softly trying not to break out into tears again. "Yes?" "Bring that chair here please, there's something I've been meaning to tell someone for a long time. Something only your grandfather knew." Curious to what her mother wanted to tell her, Weiss brought the chair over and sat in it waiting to here what her mother had to say. Right as Weiss sat down Klein lightly knocked a few times before coming in with a tray with a neatly folded handkerchief, some water, and tea. Not questioning what happened he simple put it down on the coffee table between them and left. Sitting straight up, taking the folded handkerchief, she looked at the tray then said "Weiss, the first man I ever fell in love with was-" At first Weiss thought of this to be about her father she knew but interrupted. "Is this about our father?" "In a way yes, but not the way you think." "the first man I ever fell in love with, before Jacques was-" "Was there someone before him? Is this man charming, handsome, some you cou-" "-was a pirate." Believing her mother was mad, Weiss looked at her mother in complete shock. "WHAT!?" Weiss stared at me with her eyes wide open and jaw hanging down. "I speak the truth Weiss." "But-but, a PIRATE of all people! They're scoundrels, thieves, murderers." With the same stoic expression Willow grabbed a cup of tea before looking at her daughter. "He was a pirate yes; he wouldn't deny being a scoundrel, but murdering those he came across, well, he never killed anyone who didn't deserve it." Willow's words send shivers down Weiss's back and into the bones. Willow Schnee: last of the Schnee family before Jacques came along. An honorable, respectful woman fell in love with a pirate.

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