Chapter XXIII

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Victoria's POV:

I waited for the girl to get back up to lower gun deck before looking at the two locked away and said, "Get comfortable you two. We'll be settling our differences real soon." With that said and done, I followed the cat faunus back up and caught up to her waiting for me near the staircase closest to the stern. "I have to tell Ozpin this you know." I stood in front of her and looked down before taking a breath and looking around for something to sit on. I grabbed a barrel and moved it between two crates before motioning her to take a seat on the other side. She stood there staring at me before I spoke out, "Sit, please." I notice her bow twitch before she signed and sat where I offered. "Blake, I know you have a conscious and duty to report this to the old man above, but I ask you-no implore you to forget everything you saw." She looked at me sternly and replied, "Do you think I'm stupid!? Why would I do that!? So every faunus on this ship can hang those two for something they coul-" I slammed my fist on the barrel's surface, cracking it on impact, and interrupted, "Don't patronize me what's right and wrong girl. You have no idea what we've been through, what we lost, and what we sacrificed to survive on that ship." She jumped back from my outburst, but didn't turn away She just sat back down and asked, "Why do you all want Adam and Sienna so badly?" I took a deep breathe and sat straight towards her and said, "When we were coming around Menagerie, word spread around us slaves about a possible rescue from the White Fang. That Adam was looking for the ship we were on, or any like it." She gave me a look of confusion and asked, "Why did he come for you? All of you?" I signed and buried my face into my hand before sliding it down to look at her in the eyes and replied, "None of us knew what he was planning. All we knew is that he did find us, but..." She leaned forward and didn't say anything, but nodded as in she understood before finishing what I was gonna say. "He left you all to your fate while he made his own plans." I nodded in silent while looking where my fist landed. Our moment to ourselves was interrupted when we heard a commotion happening on the surface and got up to see what was going on. Before we came up to the last staircase leading towards the main deck I grabbed Blake and asked, "Please don't say a word to Ozpin or anyone else. Please Blake?" She signed while looking at the sun above the ship and nodded, earning a smile from me as I calmly released her to continue on up. Once we got up we instantly went to the railing to see Ozpin and the captain arguing before heading into the cabin on the enemy ship.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Willow went back on board my ship while Ozpin and I went in the cabin on the main deck with the doors open, talking...arguing about who was behind it and a few other things regarding Willow. Grace came back from below to hand me some burnt papers she came across on a iron tray below telling me to take a look. Ozpin kept claiming it wasn't any use, but I beg to differ. What is was originally about didn't matter to me, what mattered was the signature on the bottom corner marked J.S. and only one person came to mind with those initials. "When are you going to use that empty, stubborn head of yours Ozpin!?" He scoffed and replied, "I'm stubborn!? You're the one who doesn't think, only acts as the problem evolves into something more dangerous!" "Coming from the man who froze in place when were attacked." He looked at me with anger building up on his face. "We weren't attacked! You fired the first shots pirate!" I smirk and calmly replied, "And you didn't defend any of your students when they boarded us till I shoved an order right down your throat old man." "Willow's going ba-" I quickly interrupted, "She decides that Ozpin! Not YOU!" I shouted. He gave me a stern expression and stormed out of the open cabin before leaving to talk to his general friend who boarded the ship I was now looting. I looked out the cabin doors to see the general loading the enemy sailors into his flying ship before I quickly walked out and grabbed Sumpter from one of the guards he brought. "Hold on there soldier. This one can wait." He was about to protest, but Ozpin and the general motioned him to move on and continue the job. I walked Sumpter to the cabin and put him in a seat before taking one across from him behind a desk. "What are you gonna do down (L/N)? Humiliate me? Torture me?" I pulled a bottle from the desk drawer that I found earlier and poured ourselves a drink. "No Jacoby. I just want to ask you something about our days on the Poseidon's Folly." I passed him a cup filled with alcohol and took my own in hand as he replied, "About the battle at Smuggler's Bay?" "Aye, about Smuggler's Bay." He took a drink before asking, "What do ye want to know (Y/N)? You were there, you saw what I did. What solidified my position as a coward." I took a sip before responding, "Did you know about Atlas attacking us that day?" He looked towards me and laughed before asking, "Where the hell did that come from you buffoon!?" He kept laughing until I pulled my pistol out and cocked it at my hip before pointing the barrel towards him. "You attacked a ship far bigger than ours with such confidence, but retreated when you got a look at the crew on board. Did you plan on killing us right then and there?" I gripped my gun tighter in anger as he signed while looking at the cup in his hand. "They'd give me large sum of money for handing my crew off to them in a trap. What they failed to mention was the change in crew on board the ship. I-" I pulled the trigger and fired a shot right at the cup in hand, grabbing everyone's attention outside the cabin. He looked at me shocked from shooting the unfinished drink out of his hand before I got up and grabbed him. I pulled him to his feet and shoved him outside yelling towards the general's guards as they were getting in their flying ship. "Get your asses out here and take this fucker before I hang high on the main mast him for the world to see." They looked at their general as he nodded before coming towards me and dragging him away. I approached Ozpin and the general regarding about their conversation I overheard about Jacques. "Tell me general, what do plan on doing next when you get back." He gave me a stern look before answering, "That's none of you-" I interrupted, "You finish that sentence and I'll deglove your good hand. Got it?" He stayed silent for me to continue. "What do plan on doing with Jacques?" "May I ask why you want to know so badly pi-captain?" I looked at him and responded, "Because if you don't plan on getting him for all this, than I will." He stood tall and replied, "This is more than enough for me to have him apprehended. I also have more evidence back in Atlas to have him arrested for other criminal acts. You stay away from Atlas or you'll be arrested to." I was about to protest until he continued. "I know about your history here in Remnant captain. I know you were part of the pirate fleet the annihilate the Atlas Navy, I also know you are the one who attacked the White Fang. We aren't gonna be affiliated with you, we don't need that kind of attention." I was getting more infuriated with him by the second, but damn if that wasn't last straw. "Willow will be leaving with us on the next Bullhead that comes here, so you best say your goodbyes and farewells." He left saying that leaving me without a word to say. I heard footsteps come behind me and turned around to see Winter and Weiss looking at me concerned, but I didn't say a word since I stormed off to my cabin keeping myself from killing that metal handed prick.

Winter's POV:

Before Weiss and I could ask what was wrong he didn't say a word marching back to his ship beyond angry. I approached General Ironwood and asked, "General?" He looked at me and replied, "Lieutenant. Good to see you're okay. I'm having another bullhead coming by to pick up Ozpin and his students including us." Weiss quickly interjected, "What about (Y/N)? He did protec-" "Captain (L/N) hasn't been forgotten in Atlas." Weiss and I both said, "What!?" "You heard me Winter. He along with many more have been named to be part of the fleet that killed thousands of sailors in Atlas's Navy over two decades ago. He's still wanted, but for saving you all. I've granted him a chance to leave or be hunted for the pirate he is." "General I-" "Winter the decision has been made. Tell your mother we'll be leaving here shortly, so be ready." I stood tall and saluted him before he walked a way. I looked at Weiss who gave me the same expression in return regarding Ironwood's decision and nodded without saying a word which gave me the impression she was gonna do something irrational. I was about to ask what she was about to do, but I knew it wasn't gonna be alright with Ozpin and Ironwood so I stayed quiet as she hurried back onto (Y/N)'s ship and disappeared from my sight. I signed and started to walk back to his ship looking for our mother to bring her the bad news. As I got on board I looked at the other students that Ozpin brought and overheard their conversation. "Finally we get to leave this tub!" "I couldn't agree more-" I quite listening. You all have no clue how lucky you are. He could've been someone else, someone more horrid. We would all be dead, and no one would've found us if he wasn't the one captaining this ship. I didn't bother say anything to them to avoid useless confrontations at this point as I made my to the cabin where our mother was sleeping to see something that made my heart ache. She was sitting there looking at the sword in her hand with nothing but a sad look covering her face. I knew she'd heard what Ironwood said, and could object since he was right. I took a seat next to her without saying a word while she hugged me trying her hardest not to cry.

Weiss's POV:

I ran as fast I could without falling over to find (Y/N) about an idea that came to me. Winter looked confused, but her and I know this idea, separating mom and (Y/N) will kill her, so I came to a decision: Let's get her to run a way with (Y/N). Winter would probably question where I got the idea from, but we both know someone's got to give. I heard glass shatter as I came to his cabin and something slam against another thing before I knocked hesitantly waiting for a reply. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I heard (Y/N) say calmly, "You know you don't have to knock Weiss." I slowly opened the door to see a puddle on the floor on the far side of the cabin and the window behind him as he sat there at his desk broken with his hand bleeding. I looked at him, (Y/N), breaking down in front of me. No smiling, no stories, no advise or questions. He just sat there looking at the picture laying on the surface of his desk with his hand bleeding in silence. I don't what came over me, but I spoke up saying, "Okay that's enough!" He looked at me in surprise as I marched towards him. "Put yourself together (Y/N) and listen up." He kept looking at me wondering what I was doing taking charge before him as I pulled a chair around to his side while looking around for a rag or some bandages. "Mind telling me wh-" "You stay quiet." I interrupted. "Also where do keep the bandages. I know you have to have some down here in case of an emergency." Without any back talk, he opened a drawer and put a large roll before me as I took a seat while saying, "Listen up, and listen well. I know you're hurt about Ironwood's decision, so I have a proposition for you." He tuned to face me with his chair and looked at me before I said, "Hand." He extended his bleeding hand while I took the roll from his desk and started to apply them to the cuts on his hand. "If you promise-promise with your life that you'll take of our mom as if she's the only person in this world I tell you where our where we're staying is." He gave me a look of curiosity and asked, "Why would I want to know where you're staying for the time being?" I looked at him and smirked replying, "So you can come at the cover of darkness and run off with our mother like you wanted to do with her before." He didn't reply nor give a different expression as I tied off the bandage. "Well?" I asked waiting for a response. He looked at the picture on his desk and asked, "You think she'll do it? Run away with me?" I got up and asked, "Do you have a map of Atlas and its cities?" He looked at me and started to form a smile before he jumped up and quickly walked to the table in his cabin covered with charts and maps. He rummaged through them until he pulled a large map out and put it on top for me to see. I inspected the map and pointed to a large section in the capitol saying, "Here! This is where we'll be if you come at night. Go to the back door. I'll have it left unlocked for you to get in silently and get out." "Don't leave it unlocked. I'll have a different plan." He said confidently smiling. I looked up at him and knew he was coming up with more than just a simple plan. After he finished inspecting the map with what I told him we heard someone come down to his cabin and say outside the door, "Weiss. It's time for you to get going."

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