Chapter XXIV

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Weiss's POV:

Before I turned away to head back up to the main deck, (Y/N) said, "Weiss." I turned around to see him standing behind me with his hand extended. "It's been a pleasure to fight alongside you and Winter." Took his hand as he gave it a firm shake as I said, "No. Pleasure was ours captain. I never would have thought there was a pirate out there like you. Thank you for everything you've done for us." He nodded to me as I let go and went back above to leave on the last bullhead. Once I got to the main deck I saw Ozpin waiting on the other ship (Y/N) looted waiting for me, but I didn't leave right away. Grace and Andre were waiting for me next to the gangplank connecting the ships as I walked towards them. "It was nice meeting you Weiss." They both said. I hugged Grace before Andre saying, "It was a treat meeting pirates like you two." All three of us looked back to see some of the crew chuckling and taking in the sight before them which prompted me to say, "Thank you all for everything!" A lot of them said it was nothing, some said thanks, while the rest kept saying to join the crew if I was ever up for an adventure. As I cross the plank and walked towards Ozpin he said, "Ready Weiss?" I looked back to see the crew standing by the railing staring at me before I caught a glimpse of (Y/N) coming beside Mr. Harlow on the quarter deck giving me a salute before I smiled and went on board the bullhead. I took a seat next to mother as she looked out the window behind her looking at the ship (Y/N) was standing on before signing and looking at the floor. I hugged her while Winter switched seats with Ruby next to me and asked near my ear, "Mind telling me what you wanted to tell (Y/N) back there?" As mom and I let each other go as we flew away I leaned next to her and replied, "I'll tell you when we get to Atlas." She gave me a curious look while mom looked at us confused. "This is something no one back at Beacon is ever gonna believe!" Sun interjected, getting everyone the spirit to break the awkward silence in the ship. Winter, mother, and I smiled at his comment, but I focused my attention to Ozpin and Ironwood who were talking to each other away from all of us near the front of the bullhead.

(Y/N)'s POV:

As Willow and Weiss flew over the horizon towards Atlas before I shouted, "Alright gents!" Everyone stared at me as I stood next to Mr. Harlow. "Set the sails, sink the hulk of wood, and make way towards Coffer's Trap! We've got some unfinished business to attend to!" Everyone nodded or cheered before running to a rope or line pulling away while others climbed to the masts untying the sails for us to get moving. Andre and handful of others maned the guns on the main deck and fired several shots into the other ship's haul making it to sink at fast pace. Mr. Harlow limped over to a small table he had someone set up with a map on top as Victoria came to us standing on the quarter deck and asked, "Captain?" I looked over at her and replied, "We'll deal with them at Coffer's Trap. All I ask is for you all to wait till we get there." She came to me and responded, "We can do that with ease." I raised an eyebrow because I knew right there she was gonna hit me with something unexpected. "I had a word with every faunus on board about Sienna. What she told me." I crossed my arms and leaned against a barrel and nodded for her to continue. "We've come to a conclusion she's not someone we're after. She never knew about the situation we were in when you saved us, so she's all your." I nodded while looked at the main deck before asking, "Adam?" She started to walk back on the deck while replying, "He's got what's coming to him." I smirk knowing they haven't lost their touch even after all the events that have unfolded in the past week we've been here in Remnant. I turned my attention back to Mr. Harlow as he asked, "Captain. Mind explaining why Coffer's Trap?" I walked towards him and stood on the other side of the table with the map on top and pointed to the island east of Atlas and responded, "No commercial traffic, no attraction to bring any attention, and remains mostly uncharted for many." He looked at me as I pause before saying, "Perfect place to maroon someone." He stared at me and asked, "Adam and Sienna?" I shook my head and replied, "Nope, just Sienna. Adam's probably isn't gonna survive Victoria and every other faunus on board when they have their way with him." He looked at the crew moving about and said nothing as he took a seat on a chair set up for him. "Are you really gonna leave Miss Schnee?" I looked over to see Grace coming over to Harlow and I sitting there, before joining us. I couldn't help but give a scheming smile which didn't go unnoticed by the two of them which prompted Mr. Harlow to ask, "What are you planning captain?" I didn't look at the two except the map to my right on replied, "Weiss gave me an idea for Willow." She got up and came to the table's end looking down at the map while I sat on her left thinking. "So how do you plan getting in to Atlas without getting spotted?" I smirked looking at a familiar spot and replied, "The general's looking for a ship. I highly doubt he'll be looking for a dinghy in the middle of night." "How do you plan on finding her is what I'm askin. She's probably not gonna be alone when she returns to Atlas you know." I nodded and replied, "Then I'll to be extra cautious when I search for her." Hours after we sailed from our latest battle we came across a desolate island when I ordered, "Andre, get our guests up here. The rest of you, get a boat in the water and have several on board ready for departure." I started to walk onto the main deck when Victoria came to me and stood on my side staring at me. I looked at her and said, "Ever faunus on board can do as they please, but I expect you all to clean up your mess when I get back." She nodded in agreement as I walked to the starboard side of the ship looking out towards the island's beach when I heard shuffling footsteps. I didn't bother to look back, even when I said aloud, "Any man woman who isn't a faunus leave the main deck for those who are. They have some unfinished business to attend to and they require some room to do so." As I turned around I saw every person leave that wasn't a faunus as Andre brought the two up from the stairs. "Andre, hand Adam to the mob. Sienna, come with me." Adam tried struggling, but his attempts were futile when he saw over a hundred angered-no pissed off men and woman waiting to get a piece of him. Sienna hesitantly walked towards me when Andre let her go to which she quickened her pace when she saw what was standing around Adam with some of them looking at her with the same hatred towards him. I untied her and told her to climb down in the boat floating in the water when I followed her down. As we got into the boat, we both looked up when the sound of fists landing and people starting to yell as a beating started. "Wha-what are they-" "They're getting their revenge Khan." She looked at me scared and asked, "And you?" I simply smiled and at in the back of the boat, steering us towards the island while the men rowed. As we got to the beach, I had the men stay on the boat while I jumped off in shallow water and had her follow me. She tried to resist, but the six men on board had something to say about it since they threw her into the water without hesitation. I stood there as she crawled out of the water and stood in front of me before I grabbed her arm and walked further in land. "This is your stop now." She turned her head in shock. "My stop!?" I shoved her to the ground and responded, "I could think of a thousand ways to kill you, but none sounded better than this." I finished with my arms stretched in opposite directions. She was trying to put together some words, so I interrupted saying, "For killing my men, that was my fault. Trying to kill Willow and her daughters for Jacques's actions, that was yours. Consider this your punishment for that call Khan." "Y-you can't leave me here!" She interjected as I began to walk back to the boat. "I'm the leader-" I turned around and pulled out my pistol aiming at her. "You're not a leader Khan. A leader fights a man head on and fights from the front. You're nothing but a sniveling, cowardice sack of shit. I've seen monster act as better leaders, and you women have no quality let alone the skills to lead an army." I turned once more this time getting on the boat and starting to row away. Before I pushed the boat out, I left the pistol on the beach saying, "When marooning, the unfortunate victim is to be left with a pistol with one shot. Use it as you please." As we headed back I took note behind the trees on the island that the sun was all but setting and time was of the essence. I saw Khan grab the gun and aimed at me when nothing happened. I smirk knowing she's already going into denial, but I quickly focused back at the ship wondering what has become of Adam. As I got to the top I saw blood cover various places of the main deck, the main mast, the capstan, and several sides of the lifeboats still laying on deck. "Adam?" I asked looking at Victoria who was wiping her hand covered in blood. "Here and there." She replied motioning to all the blood. I didn't press with the issue as several of the members of the mob started to clean the deck. I made my way to the helm and shouted, "Full sail!" Everyone who wasn't cleaning themselves or the deck took to the rigging and got the ship moving once again. No metal ass wipe is gonna keep me away from you Willow.

Weiss's POV:

Once we landed, Ozpin had Professor Goodwitch pick up Team SSSN, JNPR, and the rest of my team to head back to Beacon. Ozpin left with General Ironwood to his office discussing about our monster of a father when Winter decided to call Whitley about the situation happening. The sky was darkening with the moon slowly rising while mom, Winter, and I stood near the airships, a limousine rolled up and stopped before us. I breathed a sigh in relief when I saw Klein get out and come around to get the door for us while saying, "I'm glad you're all back now. Is there anything I can do for you? I know it's been a rough week for us all." Without hesitation I went up to Klein and embraced him in a hug. He hugged me back while asking, "What's the matter Weiss?" "Nothing. I'm just glad you're alright." Winter coughed, getting our attention before Klein helped us into the limo and drove off. I noticed while in the car, mother kept the sword (Y/N) gave her wrapped in a canvas from the ship without saying a word. She turned her head to see me eyeing the sword she smuggled back and smirk while putting a finger to her lips to which I smiled and looked towards Winter. As Klein got closer to home, Winter and I noticed the mob out front of the main gate holding cameras trying to get a picture of our mother. "I'm afraid we have to go through this Miss Schnee." She looked a head and nodded for Klein to keep driving. It was night time now, but we didn't want anyone bothering us so Klein had the windows tint for our privacy, thank Oum for the man who invented that, as we slowly drove through the people tapping on the window asking all sorts of questions, but what stood out the most was the question about our father. "Is it true Jacques tried to have you murdered?" I don't know how they got that information, but I really wanted to get out and knock him on his ass. I started to get angry, but Winter held my shoulder as mother looked over at me concerned so I sat back and calmed myself. After he parked the car, we all got out and went inside and stared at the now empty mansion in shock. "Where did all the maids and butlers go?" Winter asked. "I'm afraid they all were taken in for questioning when Atlas Police came here and arrested him. "Whitley?" Mother asked. "He's sitting in his room still. He hasn't come out at all today when he heard the news about Jacques having some sent to kill you. I honestly believe he's lost now." Without a word, our mom handed me the sword calmly and left for our little brother's room as we stood there confused to what just happened. "I don't mean to rush you two, but I packed some of your bags for your stay at Atlas Academy until your father's investigation is over." I was about to protest, but Winter thanked him and dragged me to our rooms before shutting the door and faced me. "Mind telling me what you and (Y/N) were talking about back on his ship?" I took a breath and said, "I told him where we lived to take mom away from this place. Away from Jacques." She looked at me for awhile and replied, "How to you plan on getting him to do that now? We're about to be living under Ironwood for a while surround by an army." I started to panic now that I thought about that, but quickly calmed myself when someone knocked on the door to our room. "Come in." We both said in unison. We both expected mom or Klein, but Whitley entered looking down towards the floor. "I..uh-I wanted to apologize to you two after everything I've done. Being around our father and all." We both looked at each other and walked over to Whitley and embraced him in a hug while we responded, "You're fine brother. You never would have known." He returned the hug while nearly crying, but we all parted when we heard someone knock. Klein entered holding a large suitcase and said, "I've moved some of our bags to the limousine. We'll be leaving within the hour." "Thank you Klein." I said. He smiled and left the door opened as we all started to leave the room. I took note of the time, only an hour until eleven, and kept praying to anything out there that (Y/N) would show up right now so I could relay the news to him about our soon-to-be new home for awhile. "Weiss we almost done." "Coming!' I yelled back. As I passed a room looking out back I heard a tapping noise. Curious, yet cautious I went into the room with my sword drawn and approached the source of the tapping coming from the window covered in darkness from the room and outside. Right as I opened it a hand waved in front with a voice asking, "You're not gonna stick me with that blade are you?" "(Y/N)!?" He leaned his head around and smiled. "Willow?" He asked. I simple leaned out to see him holding a drain pipe from the gutters above when I said, "I don't have much time so listen." He nodded and took a better grip while I continued. "We have to stay over at Atlas Academy until out father's investigation is done. I haven't exactly told out mother but-" He quickly interrupted, "You talk to her and I'll find you all at Atlas Academy." I was gonna protest until I heard Klein say while getting closer, "Weiss?" I watched (Y/N) slide down silently and hide in a nearby bush before I shut the window and turned around to see Klein coming around the door. "What are doing in here Weiss?" "Nothing, just taking a look around before we leave." I said hoping he doesn't get too curious. "Very well then. I hate to ruin the moment, but it's time for us to go." I nodded and followed him out before looking back at the window. Thank you (Y/N)! Thank you for not giving up!  

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