Chapter XII

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Winter's POV:

We were kept behind Jax and the other pirates as we entered the main room where their leader was arguing with some man. Oh shit! I saw him, Adam Taurus standing there with his hand on the hilt of his sword looking at Victoria's band of pirates escorting us. He gave a scowl before looking at the woman sitting on a throne looking down at us. "Who are you?" Taurus was shoved out of the way when Victoria walked passed him addressing herself to that woman. "Name's Victoria. Mind telling me yours miss?" She stood up off her throne and said, I'm Sienna Khan, Leader of the White Fang. What brings you here to my fortress?" Victoria gave a small chuckle before answering, "What brings me here!? Did you put a bounty for the Schnees or not?" Sienna gave her a glare before sitting back down on her throne. "I did, Alive!" Victoria whistled, Weiss and I were gently grabbed by our arms and brought forward next to Victoria when she said, "I know white runs in their family, but there's no need to mistaken their complexion for a dead man." This agitated Sienna quickly. "What do you want woman!?" She angrily shouted. "Our reward." Victoria responded calmly keeping her smirk on her face. Sienna got up and approached us with the same angered face she gave us when we entered. As she stared at us, Adam watched us not far from the side angrily. "What are you gonna do with them now that you have them?" He addressed Sienna. "Adam, we're gonna demand Jacques Schnee to dissolve his business and to hand over his military assets to us." He shook his head in disbelief before he walked behind her and stopped between her throne and Victoria. "Sienna, you have denied us the chance to strike down those who oppressed us." Mid sentence he drew out his sword and pointed it to his side. "It's time for someone to lead Faunus's to a better future!" She didn't like that. Sienna stood up once more and shouted, "Guards take this traitor away." No one moved an inch. Weiss, Victoria, and I looked at Adam then the guards, they didn't listen to their leader. "What is this!?" She looked at her left and right and saw that the guards were looking at her ready to apprehend her. "You see Sienna, they've..." I didn't listen his speech, but rather I looked at Victoria expecting her to do something when Adam charged at Sienna with his sword in hand. Weiss and I crouched when a the loud echo of a gunshot ranged in the throne room followed by Adam hitting the ground grabbing his leg that was bleeding profoundly.

(Y/N)'s POV:

When we got out of the hallway we came across a corridor that didn't have any guards waltzing around. "Where now captain?" Someone whispered behind me. I looked back and started to think of an idea when I heard several voices coming down one of the hallways. I put my finger to my mouth for silence and drew my sword and faced back at the hallway where I heard the voices. Two guards, swords at hip...they don't know we're here. I thought to myself. I signaled one of the men behind me with a sword to get near me before they got close enough to hear us move on the stone floor. I leaned over to him and whispered to him, "I'll take the guy closes to us, you take the other guard by force as quickly and quietly as possible. Don't let them alarm the place." He nodded at me and readied himself for my move. I waited until their shadows faded into themselves when I jumped out and used the hilt of my sword to punch my target in the nose. My crew mate charged the other and smashed him into the wall before pointing his sword at his face keeping him there. I glanced over to him before looking at the guard on the ground holding his shattered nose groaning while blood poured out. I pointed to several men to watch the other hallways while I put these against the wall for a little questioning. I looked at the three passageway for any signs of trouble to which they signaled me it was all clear. In a low but clear enough voice I started to question them starting with the one with the busted nose. "Alright. I better get an honest answer and it better be clear, or I'll personally send you to the afterlife. Got it!?" The one holding his head barley nodded while the other one bleeding still said, "Fuck you bastard! I hope you die a painful death for this!" I my sword back in its sheath before I grabbed him by his broken nose with my fingers while holding his mouth close as he screamed in agony. "I don't believe I made myself clear-Where is Willow Schnee and I'll let you live for another day?" I started to get more angry as he stayed quiet after I took my hand off his mouth and fingers off that mess of a nose, he calmed his breathing before responding, "Drop dead asshole." I turned away before pulling my sword out and in one swift motion I turned back around and brought the large blade down into his head like a cleaver. It drove into the side of his head and ended about halfway before he slumped to the side, effectively killing his agitating ass. I pulled my sword out from his head with the blood still dripping down before looking at his friend who looked horrified. His comrade looked at me in horror and tried to scream only to be silenced by my crew mate's hand over his mouth with a sword pointing at his throat. "Alright now, I'm wasting too much time now and I am starting to lose my patience now. WHERE IS WILLOW FUCKER?" I emphasized each of the words to get my point through that soon-to-be hollowed head of his. He didn't say anything except pointed towards the hallway he came from. "Good choice, lets go!" I picked him up and started to walk in the direction. As I got to the end of the hallway I looked over at my shadow warrior and said, "You go take most of the party and go find Victoria's party, I take these three and get Willow. He looked at me and asked, "If there are guards?" I looked at the men who came with me and looked back at him answering, "Cut down anyone who tries to stop you. If you come across their leader, take them prisoner." He nodded before going back towards the corridor and lead the men towards the direction he believes is the main room where they might have been taken. After they left I looked back at the sniveling prick in my hand before poking his back with my sword saying, "I'll make this clear as the blue sky: Make a noise and you'll be holding your guts in with your hands. Got it?" He nodding frantically before looking away from my face. "Good, now move!" He started to walk in the direction I wanted to go while staying silent as possible. He took us down a variety of hallways before we came to a section of their fortress that looked like a prison. "She here?" He nodded yes before I shoved him forward still in my grasp. "Take me to her now! And for your sake, she better be alive and well." I'm coming Willow, stay strong and don't give in to these bastards.

Willow Schnee x Pirate Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now