Chapter V

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Weiss's POV:

The sun was going down as we set up our tents outside of this town we're investigating. I decided to stay back with Neptune, Sage, Scarlet, Ozpin, Jaune, and Ren to set up camp while Ruby, Yang, Nora, and Pyrrha. Blake and Sun were given a different task from the rest of us, to go see what information they can find about my mom's kidnappers. "Hey Weiss, how are you holding up?" After pitching my team's tent, I turned around to see Neptune slightly smiling at me. "I'm still hoping she's okay. Thank you for asking." He walked over to me and gave me a hug in which I returned. Hearing June talk to Neptune's other team members, I assumed they were done with their tents as well. "Shall we go see what they're chatting about?" Neptune loosened his embrace around me and agreed. "Hey Weiss, finally done?" Jaune asked. "Yeah, it would've been nice if my team would've helped at least." I blatantly said. Before we could continue to talk about my troubles, Headmaster Ozpin came over and sat with us around the campfire they made. "Miss Schnee." "Yes Headmaster?" "No need for titles, you can just call me Ozpin here since Glynda's not around." "Oh, okay than. Is there something you need me to do?" Ozpin took a sip of his coffee from the thermal mug Professor Oobleck gave him before he left Beacon. "No, I was just checking on you in case something's on your mind. General Ironwood messaged me earlier to tell you that your sister and her detachment won't be meeting us till tomorrow morning." Jaune rudely interrupted me before I could ask why, "Wait what!? Why tomorrow? Shouldn't they be the ones wh-" Jaune's mouth was covered by a silent Ren who was sitting next to him enjoying-from what it looks to be-tea in his other hand. "What I was gonna say Jaune was that they need to get the proper equipment, the right soldiers for this kind of task, and be briefed on the matters at hand." Ren then let his hand down, only for Jaune to ask another question. "Why is your sister coming along again?" Rather than answering him, Neptune, Sage, Scarlet, Ren, and I just stared at Jaune with a stern look on all our faces. Judging by his sudden change in posture, I'll assume his malfunctioning head just clicked on his dumb question. "Heh-heh-heh, my bad guys." He nervously said. Ozpin joined us once more saying, "I'm sure he didn't mean anything bad Weiss." I sighed and stared at the campfire resting my head on Neptune's shoulder while he held his arm around me.

Third Person:

As they sat there staring at the campfire, all except Ozpin was started at Ruby's loud voice. "WE'RE BACK EVERYONE! LOOK WHO WE GOT!" Ozpin looked over his left should at Ruby. "Miss Rose, would you mind keeping your voice down a bit?" She stopped in her tracks and shyly answered, "Sorry." Behind Ruby, Yang and Nora were escorting a limping man with a scowl on his bruised face with his hands and arms tied up while Pyrrha followed behind them. "Miss Rose, mind explaining to us who the gentleman is?" Before she answered, Nora blurted out, "WE FOUND US A PIRATE!" Yang didn't give Ozpin time to respond as she said, "He was asking around about Weiss's mom so we confronted him and he pulled a sword at us." Ozpin gave them a more questionable look as they tried to smile their way out this. "He was asking around the town about Mrs. Schnee's location and possibly who took her." Pyrrha said as she took a seat next to Jaune. "When we confronted him, he denied anything we asked and said he wanted to know if the rumors were true. We were leaving after that but as we got closer to the edge of the town, we caught him following us. We chased him back into town only to end in a short fight." Ozpin motioned for Yang and Nora to sit the man down on the boulder to his right before asking, "What's your name sir?" After being seated by the two rather forcefully, he looked over at Ozpin answering, "Tell me yours and I'll ye mine." "I'm Headmaster Ozpin." As pointed his cane at each of us he told him our names. Jaune looked at Ozpin after he finished, with a shocked expression he asked, "umm...Ozpin, why would you tell him that!?" Taking another sip of his drink, Ozpin kept looking at the tied up man while saying, "Mr. Arc, as I can see he's the only injured one here, at least we can be civilized from here on out about names. "William Harlow be mine Oz. Now I can be nice to you and never tell my friends of your whereabouts if you would kindly untie me and let me go." Ozpin gave a sly smirk and said, "As nice as that would be, I'm afraid that won't happen. Seeing how you followed my students after they confronted you, there's more you're not telling us which puts you in no place to bargain." Silence was all Harlow gave them. As he sat there in silence, he looked at Pyrrha asking, "You said Mrs. Schnee correct?" Pyrrha looked at Ozpin and Weiss for approval to answer. As he nodded to her, Pyrrha looked over towards Weiss. Hesitantly she agreed. "Yes, Mrs. Schnee was the one kidnapped." Harlow's expression started to change from a stoic expression to one of dread. After saying nothing for several minutes scaring Jaune and Ruby a bit. He said, "May whatever gods they believe show them mercy because he won't." Weiss interjected, "Who!?" "My captain." He answered with dread still showing. "He isn't gonna take this lightly to the heart." Curious to who his captain was, Weiss got up to sit in front of him only to be stopped by Neptune refusing to let go of her hand. "Weiss is that a good idea getting near him?" "Neptune, please let me go. I need to ask him something." Shocked yet hesitant to Weiss's plea, Neptune let go of Weiss's hand as she approached Harlow with a more concerned expression. Everyone else except Ozpin armed themselves, ready for Harlow to make a dangerous move on Weiss. She took a log and set it upright for her to sit on before asking, "Mr. Harlow, you mentioned he isn't gonna take my mother's kidnapping to heart. Who's your captain?"

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