Chapter 2

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Yoohyeon reversed slowly into one of the bar's parking spaces and put the handbrake on. "You know why I'm reversing?"

"You don't need to test me, seriously." Yoobin groaned and unclipped her seat belt.

"It helps to test your knowledge." She smiled and crossed her arms. "Well?"

"If the suspect attempts to escape in a vehicle, we are easily able to follow without the need to reverse and from this position, it's simple to observe the entrance."

"Correct." Yoohyeon undid her own seat belt. "I do have enough intuition to suspect he'll run if he's the only one who knows Woojin murdered Minhyun."

"All the more reason for me to have my weapon." She patted her side underneath her leather jacket. "So, if it comes to it--"

"We'll use the expert shooter story. Gold medal or silver?"

"Gold. I want to look cool."

"Right. Let's go." Yoohyeon climbed out and slammed the door. Yoobin followed suit and marched confidently to the bar door. She pushed it open, noting the smudged fingerprints and entered a large gloomy area filled with tables and arcade gambling games.

On several of these tables, men and some women sat talking in carrying voices so that they all melded into one to their ears.

On a table in the far corner of the room, several men in military uniforms laughed boisterously.

"We can't count on them to help us if he runs." Yoohyeon saw where Yoobin's eyes headed. "Come on, he's at the bar. The lanky one."

"Righty-ho." Yoobin went to sit down on one of the stools and leaned on the bar. "Lai Guanlin?" She questioned once she had his attention.

"Who's asking?" He seemed unconcerned, but wary suspicion froze his limbs.

Yoobin flashed her ID. "Police. So's she." She indicated Yoohyeon.

"What for? If any of my customers have--"

"It's nothing to do with your customers." Yoohyeon cut over him. "I believe you're associated with Park Woojin?"

Barely had the name left her mouth when Guanlin dropped the glass he was holding and leapt over the bar.

"Hey!" Yoobin yelled. He barged out of the door as Yoobin sprang up and sprinted after him. She honestly half-relished the chase as adrenaline began to fire through her blood. "We don't want to arrest you!"

"Go away!" He yelled and cursed in a foreign language. He turned a corner into an alleyway,  Yoobin close behind.

At the end of the alleyway was a chest-height wall which he easily hoisted himself over and dropped out of sight. She heard a short burst of laughter. Foolish man.

Yoobin sprinted full speed and jumped up to grab the top of the wall before she pulled her body over and landed on top of Guanlin.

He cried out and punched her in the jaw, making her temporarily see stars. He jumped to his feet and ran down another to another, taller wall and started to climb onto a  rubbish bin so that he could climb over.

"Hey!" Yoobin pulled out her gun and pointed it at him. "I'll shoot!" She blinked to attempt to clear the stars from her vision.

His head whipped around as he was halfway up the wall and his eyes widened. "Y-you wouldn't shoot."

"Try me." Yoobin panted and walked forward. "What do you think you were doing, making me run like that?" She demanded angrily and kept her gun trained on him. "We only wanted to talk to you."

"Liar! You've come to arrest me!" He tried to continue climbing, but another voice joined the conversation.

"Don't move, Guanlin. Yoobin's an expert shooter." Yoohyeon run up to Yoobin. "Don't paralyse him, we need to interrogate him."

Guanlin trembled on the wall. "Y-you're lying."

"I'm not, Guanlin." Yoohyeon stepped forward another step. "She won a gold medal in the police shooting championships."

"Should I hit him in his leg, butt, hand?"

"Go for his hand, I don't want him bleeding to death in the interrogation room."

"Alright, alright! I'll come down." Guanlin dropped down and stood awkwardly in front of Yoohyeon. "What do you wanna know?" 

"You can tell me at the station." Yoohyeon pulled out her handcuffs and snapped them around his wrists. "By running, you allowed me the right to arrest you."

"What?" He exclaimed. "But..."

"They always fall for the expert shooter story, it's hilarious." Yoobin clicked her gun back to safety and tucked it away under her arm. She gave a short burst of laughter. "You better tell the truth after all this."


"Why couldn't we have interviewed Guanlin?" Yoobin complained as she and Yoohyeon left the police building for the second time that day.

"No idea, but clear your mind of murder, we've got to go sort out a bullying incident; at your sister's school as a matter of fact." They entered the car and Yoohyeon started up the engine. As they started off, Yoohyeon began conversation. "How much do you see of Siyeon these days?"

Yoobin let out a long breath. "...Not a lot. Perhaps under a few hours a day. I wake up earlier than I have to, just so I can see more of her, but...I still don't see much of her."

"Must be harder, only you and your sister in that house." Yoohyeon smiled wistfully. "I'm glad I've got my own place, away from mum and Gahyeon."

"Thought you two shared a sisterly bond." Yoobin grinned.

"Hey! We do, it's just...I'm in my thirties and she's as old as your sister, eighteen. It's a pretty big age gap.

"What does age matter?"

"Try saying that to a stroppy teen who's disappointed you don't like her music, 'Me likey likey' and all that. SHINee's much more my preference, can't win."

"Yeah." They stopped at the traffic lights where she'd only been waiting that morning after months of contemplating how to ask her sister if you wanted a lift. Now the time was coming around to half four in the afternoon.

"You should text her now. She'd probably be glad for a break from revision." Yoohyeon advised kindly.

"Can't hurt." She agreed and took her phone out.

Yoobin: Hey.

Singni: Heya! How's work?

Yoobin: Guess I've had an interesting day I'll tell you when I come home later. But...Coming to your school rn for a bullying incident.

Singni: I'll wait up for you. I heard about that bullying incident. Yein's in the Head's office right now. Let me warn ya - She's a bitch!

Yoobin: Language.

Singni: Well aren't you one to preach. Anyways, you know...Daniel? 😶


Singni: Take your fingers off the caps, sis. Anyway, her wants to speak with me. ALONE. AAAAAACK!!! What d'ya think?"

Yoobin: ...Hmm. Be careful. You know what I taught you. You could overpower a well-built bastard like him in no time.

Singni: Don't feel as if I'll be doing that, Yooyoo. Anyway, he only wants to talk.

Yoobin: You pure-minded...wait. You are not pure-minded!

Singni: Completely pure and an innocent bean. OH! hE'S HERE! See ya

Yoobin: Be careful. Love ya.

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