Chapter 6

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Later that evening, Yoobin visited Siyeon once again at the hospital, but without Daehwi. She wanted to be alone with Siyeon.

"Miss Lee is not in the best of conditions right now." The nurse told Yoobin as she took her to Siyeon's room. "But she's recovered from this morning - her heart rate rose so alarmingly, there were concerns that it might fail. As I must remind you, visiting hours last half an hour in this unit."

Yoobin nodded and entered Siyeon's room without the nurse. Siyeon's eyelids fluttered open and smiled weakly from behind the oxygen mask.

"How are you?" Yoobin asked softly and sat next to Siyeon's bed.

"I'm...okay. But everything hurts." Her eyes roved her own body. "I hope I don't have any scars."

She chuckled in response. "You're worried about scars? Mum must've had an influence on you!"

"I can see Mum's opinions didn't affect you. You don't care as much as she did about your appearance."

"I do give some care, look! No double denim and I'm not wearing more than one primary colour."

Siyeon laughed too, albeit so weakly, it sounded like she was coughing.

After several minutes of talking, Yoobin felt the sudden urge to pee and left the room with a wave and a promise to return soon.

On her exit from the bathroom, she received a text. "'Just sent the CCTV of Siyeon and Daniel to Yoohyeon. You don't need to thank me - Daehwi.'" She smiled at her phone and silently thanked Daehwi as she walked back to Siyeon's room.

As she walked around the corner, a tall and broad doctor walked into her hurriedly. Before she gets could formulate a response, he bowed and rushed off down the corridor.

Slightly bemused, she continued down the corridor to Siyeon's room at the end. Her eyes flicked up to look through the window in the door and she became aware of a high-pitched beeping seeping from the room. Suddenly panicked, she opened the door and stepped in to see Siyeon laying comatose and the heart monitor showing a continuous straight line.

"Siyeon?" When there was no reaction, she cursed and ran back into the corridor. "Nurse!" Yoobin yelled urgently.


"Siyeon's dead?" Daehwi repeated on the other end of the phone. "I thought she was recovering well."

"She was." Yoobin thought back to the hurrying young doctor who'd bumped into her. Distinctly, she remembered a mole under his left eye. "...Just like Daniel." She realised aloud.


"Daniel disguised himself as a doctor and killed her!" Yoobin said urgently. "But the nurses aren't believing I saw someone. The CCTV showed no one exiting her room."

"The CCTV is usually right, isn't it?"

"Empty footage can be looped over to hide things like someone going into a room." Yoobin told him. "Oh, I will murder that bastard!"

"Please don't." Daehwi sounded genuinely concerned. "Have they determined her cause of death yet?"

"Heart failure. They probably won't find any trace of what Daniel did--"

"Are you sure it's Daniel? It seems a little far for a high school student to follow up on his attempted murder, disguise as a doctor and murder Siyeon, doesn't it?"
"Yes, I agree, it is odd. But," She shivered. "You didn't see that smile he had after he greeted Siyeon. I think he's fully capable."

"But how would a mere young adult you think looks evil in a single smirk, be skilled enough to hack a hospital's CCTV footage? You're not thinking straight, Yoobin."

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