Chapter 18

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With a more in-depth analysis, she'd found out that the closest residents to the empty houses were elderly people. Perfect for a criminal on the run.

No one was around and she felt completely alone in the street light-lit street.

The wooden gates to the house were open and the lock lay recently broken on the ground. That was a good sign, but dangerous. It suggested he had something to break it with, a weapon.

Yoobin only had herself as a weapon - She knew several martial arts, but wasn't sure what help they'd be against a weapon.

She slowed and quietened her steps through the yard and slipped through the front door into an wrecked and dirty area. Rubble and dust was everywhere and the only recognisable piece of furniture she saw was a coffee table. No one was in the equally sparse kitchen, bathroom or spare room.

There was an upstairs, so she made her way up the stairs, her face cringing at every creak - There were a lot.

If Woojin was up there, he knew someone else was there too.

Once she got to the top of the stairs, she entered a large room with broken glass and thick wall plaster all over the floor. Two bookshelves were against the left wall and a bedframe was pushed against the wall opposite her.

A feeling in her stomach told her something was wrong so she ducked before twisting on her heel to face dusty legs.

She did a roll backwards and stood to face the dark-clothed man before her. "Wooj--" She went to speak, but he seemed to have no intention of verbal communication and bull-rushed towards her, his face twisted in fury.

Woojin grabbed her around her waist and lifted her up before he slammed her down on the bedframe, breaking most of the weak boards.

Yoobin's back exploded in pain and she cried out as she tried to get a sense of surroundings as well as trying to see straight through the dust and pain.

He seemed surprised at his own strength and stepped back. His pale face betrayed no emotion apart from desperation.

Making advantage of his lull in action, she lunged up from the bedframe and launched herself at his frame so that they tumbled down into a jarring heap. Though her back cried in pain, Yoobin tried hard to restrain him. His fist slipped from her grip and smacked her in the jaw.

She daughter off the wave of sickness with several blinks, but her advantage was lost. Woojin once again took control and picked her up by her collar to ram her against the shelves of the bookcase.

"Why're you here?" He demanded in a savage growl.

Yoobin took several seconds to reply, she wasn't feeling good. "I want to ask you some questions. About Lee Jinki--"

He pushed his face closer to hers. "Ask me questions? You're not a bloody police officer anymore." He barked in harsh laughter. "We're both fugitives." Woojin threw her on the ground and she lay slumped, trying to regain her breath. How could she gain the upper hand?

He stood over her and bent down. "You want answers about Jinki?"

"I do." She reckoned she could roll to the side and lunge into him again, perhaps use about piece of the bedframe to knock him--

His hands shot out and grabbed her throat. "I'll tell you about Jinki." His hands squeezed tighter and she let out a staggered moan of psi as her windpipe was steadily crushed. She could barely breathe, let alone focus on his words. "I've never met him, but he helped me. There are two policemen in the force working for him." Woojin talked fast and nervously, beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. "They passed me the key to my handcuffs and the van. They told me when to escape."

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