Chapter 34

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"It's getter closer to the trial." Father Yoongi started with a pertinent look at Namjoon sitting at his desk. "And also closer to Yoobin realising you have practically no evidence that would incriminate Daniel."

"I'm trying not to think about that." Namjoon groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"You should be." Yoongi said sternly. "We have already seen how vengeful Yoobin can be when she's wronged. If you betray your word that you'll get Daniel sent to prison, I would say they'd all be angry with you. Handong's parents were killed."

"Stop, Yoongi."

"Jimin's girlfriend was killed and Yoobin's sister was killed. And Jin...Daniel was his trusted friend, Namjoon!"

"...I know. But what can I do?"

"Tell me what evidence you have." Yoongi took a softer and firm tone.

"Jinki never let me handle much to do with Daniel, he took care of most of it himself. I have his number and I've recorded a few conversations we had."


"When he asked me about Jin and Minji and when he called me after pushing Siyeon off the roof because he couldn't get through to Jinki."

"Play it."

Obediently, Namjoon opened the file on his phone.


"Is that you, Daniel?"

"Yes, it's me, Daniel." He snapped with heavy breaths. "Look, I can't get through to Jinki, so I called you."

"What do you want?"

"I need an alibi and quick." Though his breaths were hurried, his tone was calm.

"Brief me what you've done so I can tell Jinki."

"I pushed and girl off the roof of school and people are starting to notice. The CCTV of us coming to the roof needs to be deleted."

"Okay, I'll tell Jinki now. He should contact you soon." Namjoon said.

The recording ended.

"Shouldn't that be enough?" Yoongi asked.

"Perhaps." Namjoon said in an unsure tone. "It's only one piece of evidence. I don't know if it's strong evidence."

"You're the qualified prosecutor,  you should know! Seeing he's directly saying he pushed someone, that's more than enough evidence. Get the police to check his phone records as well as Jinki's, and he's a done man! What's so problematic?"

"You raise a fair point, but I'm worried Daniel may plead insanity and won't be charged at all."

"But he'll still spend his life in a secure place if he's 'insane'."

"Yes. But Daniel is a cause for concern. I believe he is an evil evil psychopath. What boy could kill the people he's killed, in the ways he's used?"

"Cause for concern to who? Are you worried he'll hunt down the hackers? You told me he already knows what Jin and Minji look like."

"Yes, of course I'm worried!" Namjoon raised his voice and twisted his eyebrows. "I'm worrying for the safety of everyone involved in this. One of Jinki's men could be listening to us right now and the next day we'll all be dead, then the others will be killed."

"I understand Jinki is a powerful man, Namjoon, but you're being paranoid. He is in no position to be ordering people to murder us while he's awaiting trial." Yoongi rubbed his shoulder. "Everything will be fine."

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