Chapter 14

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Slightly bemused, she walked into Jimin's computer room, but there wasn't anyone in there, though the computers were all running. She sat down at the CCTV screens and inspected the one closest to her. They showed the police station corridors and offices. When she turned the speakers on, she could hear the regular bustle of the building, a cacophony of different voices.

On another screen, she saw two people that intrigued her - Hyungwon and Wonho talking together secretly. Without really knowing what she doing, she managed to isolate the sound so that only the sound from their office was coming out of the speakers.

"...Still on the run. It's been three days? Yeah, three days." Wonho counted on his fingers and began to pace the office space behind Hyungwon.

Hyungwon looked back at him from his chair. "Why do you want to talk about her?" He groaned and rolled his neck. "Is there anyone outside of the office?"

Wonho checked and grinned. "There's no one."

Hyungwon held out his hand to him and Wonho took it to move closer to Hyungwon. "It's so hard to keep us secret." He complained.

Yoobin gasped at what they suggested and remembered the rumours she'd heard. She gasped even louder with a small squeak as Wonho leaned over him and locked thick rosy lips with him for a few seconds before he took him gently in his arms to lay him on the floor. Hyungwon ran a hand down his back and---

Yoobin covered her eyes and turned off the speakers with another small squeal of embarrassment. She waved her hand in attempt to cool her flushing face and was even more bemused as she continued to watch them from the corner of her eyes. Hyungwon and Wonho...together?

Jimin walked into the room with a strong-smelling coffee. "Anything wrong?" He asked in amusement. In answer, she pointed at the certain screen. He leaned over her to watch it  and laughed. "You're so innocent, Yoobin." He said affectionately and laughed again. "So what? They're gay, they're making out, get over it!"

"But-- In an office, at a police station, on CCTV!"

"I reckon they'll delete it." He sipped his coffee casually and sat at his desk. "I hear you went AWOL for a bit from Jin."

"So what?" She threw his own words back at him with a blush still on her face. "I needed to see someone."

"Did you have fun with him?"

Yoobin pointedly ignored him and went to leave the room. "I'll leave you in peace."


JiU tripped into the kitchen in her eagerness to read the reply from the Leader. Jin helped her to her feet and they walked together to Jimin's room, where Handong, Jimin and Yoobin were waiting.

"Will you hurry up?" Handong asked impatiently. "I've got a parcel coming in at least fifteen minutes. It's a rabbit stuffed animal, extra soft."

Yoobin almost cracked up at her seriousness out of view of the camera. Hearing someone like Handong talk  almost excitedly about stuffed toys was laughter-inducing.

Jin opened the envelope and cleared his throat as he pulled out a piece of paper with an ink blue feather drawn on it under the writing.

"'It's a shame the footage didn't help, but I have a new idea based on your suggestion - Jinki. Change the focus of gathering evidence against Daniel to Lee Jinki. If we bring down Jinki, we will surely be able to prosecute Daniel, who, as I'm sure you've all realised, has links to Jinki. You will then be able to close Siyeon's and Bora's cases and Handong may be able to finally leave her home. As I previously stated, I will send you money if you notify me via Father Yoongi. Regards, Leader Mon.'"

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