Chapter 9

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The next night, long after school had closed, they began their preparation to enter the school.

"Hang on, this question has been bugging me, why do you need to physically go to a place and obtain the footage?" Yoobin asked Handong on the screen, who looked close to falling asleep.

"Jimin, explain. I'll take a quick nap while I wait for the others to get ready." She ended the call and Jimin turned in the chair to face Yoobin.

"She's a little tempermental." Jimin saw Yoobin's bemused look. "Probably because she's stuck in her home all day. I swear she only leaves her room to get packages she's ordered, takeaway food and to wash."

"That's a little unhealthy." Yoobin commented.

"It's some problem of hers, I've never asked. She'd probably bite my head off." Jimin stroked his chin. "Right, I'll answer your question."

"Go for it. And please do it simply, I won't understand technical terms."

"There's two types of footage - Live and recorded. Those aren't the exact terms, but as you wanted, I'm making it simple. Right now, Handong and I are able to watch live CCTV footage from around the city just from this room and her bedroom. Now as for the footage we sent you, that as recorded - it wasn't sent to you live, was it? So we physically, went to the school's CCTV surveillance room and took that footage. Had a little problem that it had been deleted, but we got it. And now, Jin and Minji are going to get the recorded footage that's either been recorded over or deleted. If it's been recorded over...we've got a slight problem." He laughed awkwardly.

"I see. So you and Handong can practically see everything in this whole city?"

"Yup. She watched as we 'kidnapped' you and couldn't help but grumble, could she? We shut off the road after you entered it so no one would interrupt us, but the actual stopping of your car was a little sloppy."

"It worked." Yoobin had a sudden thought with a gasp. "What did you do with Yoohyeon?"

"Minji took her and the car to the nearest lay-by and left her there. She'll be fine, don't worry." He turned back to the middle computer screen and pulled up live CCTV footage from a lay-by. He zoomed in on the single car parked there with a damaged rear and they saw Yoohyeon talking rapidly into her phone.

Yoobin frowned. "I'm now a bloody fugitive." She pulled out her phone. "Should I call her?"

"No." Jimin said strongly. "She may be your greatest friend, but by law, she is obligated to bring you to trial. That would involve tracking your phone. Hand me your phone. I'll destroy the RF transmitter in your phone. Every smart phone has one. But I'll copy your data onto a anothrr memory card and buy you another phone. I suspect you'll want to keep your images and stuff." He inserted her phone's memory card after taking the battery out, into the computer and began transferring files.

Yoobin watched him silently with a look of longing as she saw the pictures of her and Siyeon being transferred. How she wished her life could've been different. If she'd...All the things she'd could've done to prevent that day attacked her ruthlessly.

"Do I have to stay here?" She asked in a defeated tone.

"I wouldn't advise you to go out, but...I can't stop you. Just be conspicuous and change your clothes. Minji's got some clothes you can borrow. They'll be a little big I imagine."

"Thanks, Jimin." Through her pyschological pain, she felt genuine gratitude towards Jimin.

He grinned happily at her. "Glad to help. And I just want you to know, each of us have our reasons to help you. They were all the reasons we became hackers. See you later."

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