Chapter 8

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"Yoobin..." Yoohyeon began as she drove.

"What?" Yoobin stared ahead and fiddled with the handcuffs.

"I don't know what to say. This, this isn't like you at all. You entered a school with a lethal weapon and attempted to blow someone's brains out!" She sighed.

"I just wanted to kill him. That was my only thought once I saw the gun." She said haltingly.

Yoohyeon glanced over at her. "I take it you listened to my voicemail?"

"Of course. That made me want to kill him too." She said in an emotionless tone.

"I shouldn't have told you so soon."

"I would've found out, you know that." She changed the topic. "How many years in prison do you think I'll get?"

"Well, you didn't murder anyone, so luckily we don't have to discuss that. You'll most likely be charged with attempted murder. Daniel's probably going to have a ruthless lawyer that'll get you locked up for as long as possible. He comes from a wealthy family of doctors." She sighed again. "Being honest, it's not looking good."

"Thanks for the optimis--" Her words were cut off as the car jerked forward violently and they were thrown roughly against their seat belts.

Yoohyeon looked out of the open car window and coughed. "Someone rammed into the back of us. I'll go and speak to them, you stay here." She readied to open the door.

At her window, a figure walked into view, his lower face covered by a mask and he wore a cap low over his eyes. Yoobin noted that there was someone on her side too.

"Hi." He said and shot on arm through an arm through the window and hit Yoohyeon in the side of the head. She collapsed in her seat with a small grunt.

"Get out of the car." The figure at her side ordered and she could tell they were a woman.

"Who the heck are you?" She demanded as she slowly exited the car with her hands still in handcuffs. The woman started to drag her towards the car that had shunted Yoohyeon's.

"Be quiet." She said shortly.

Yoobin scanned the empty road. Why was it so empty? "Who are you?" She demanded in a louder tone.

"Shut her up." The man demanded from the other side of the car.

She readied to fight the woman, but before she could even do anything, her feet were swept out beneath her and her head hit the ground heavily.


"Can you hear me?" A voice asked in a kindly tone that reverberated through her head like an echo.

Yoobin moaned and cracked her eyes open to low-lit surroundings. Long hair dangled over her from a smiling face.

"Yeah you can, can't you?" She straightened and offered a hand. "Do you need help sitting up?"

She recognised the voice as the woman who'd knocked her out and froze. "You..."

"I knocked you out. Yeah, sorry about that." She kept her offered hand out, which Yoobin reluctantly took.

The woman supported her as she pulled her up from the bed to a sitting position and sat down beside her on the bed. "How do you feel?"

"My head kills." She glared suspiciously at her.

"I just did what Jin told me to."


"The other person with me. I'm Minji by the way."

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