Chapter 20

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Yoobin was in the passenger seat again, Wonho was driving and Hyungwon sat in the back, looking down at his phone. She sat in sullen silence and tried not to think about the pain that was half-paralysing her with every jolt the car made along the sparse road.

"How'd you manage to hide for so long?" Wonho asked conversationally with an easy smile.

Her mind immediately went to the footage she'd accidentally watched of Wonho and Hyungwon that made her want to gag, but she forced the image out of her head and kept her expression straight.

"Don't ignore me, Yoobin."

"Turn left in five hundred yards. There's a good alley there." Hyungwon interrupted from the back without looking up.

"Gotcha." He said and repeated his question. "How'd you manage to hide for so long?"

"I just hid." She replied and stared at her scraped fingers.

He sighed and speeded up before he turned into a slim alley and parked close to the wall so that she had just enough room to open her door.

"What are you doing?" She asked pertinently. 

Wonho turned and grinned sneakily at her. "Lee Jinki doesn't want you alive."

His words chilled her to the bone and she deeply regretted being bound by the handcuffs. "What?"

He pulled the key to her handcuffs from his trousers pocket and offered it to her. "You can unlock your handcuffs."

"What?" She repeated as he dropped the key into her limp hands.

"Did you take a knock to the head when you fell off your bike? I said, unlock your handcuffs." His voice hardened and his expression turned stony.

"Why?" Yoobin questioned. She'd finally worked out who the police-insiders were who helped Woojin escape.

"So I can shoot you." Hyungwon leaned forward with his police-issue handgun. "You took Wonho's key and then you tried to escape, so I shot you. It will be an accident."

Her face turned horrified. "You two are--"

"Insiders." They agreed and Hyungwon pointed the gun at her. "Unlock your handcuffs."

So she did, extremely reluctantly under their watchful eyes.

"Get out of the car."

"Why're you working for Jinki? Don't you two believe in the natural course of justice?"

Wonho looked away with a scowl. "We never said it was our choice to become insiders for him."

Black-mailed, Yoobin realised. And the only thing that both of them could be black-mailed for was...

Her mind flashed back to the CCTV footage again. Their relationship.

"Ohh. You know." Hyungwon noted her expression. "Al the more reason for us to kill you."

Yoobin watched them warily and eyed the gun. All of a sudden, she lunged for the gun in the large gap between the seats. Hyungwon fell back with the gun and she fell on top of him with her hands clasped around the barrel of the gun.

He exclaimed and wrestled for a hold on the gun while Wonho tugged on her hips to pull her back.

"Pull the bloody trigger, Hyungwon!" He yelled.

Hyungwon yanked at the gun and she pulled it back so the barrel was pointing at the ceiling. Then Wonho jerked her back powerfully so that her hands pulled the barrel back down to face her.

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